Let's complain about our bodies

Maybe that’s where they started but I’ve bought Dave’s in the Greater Toronto Area.

I’d definitely suggest trying some kind of nasal irrigation. It’s an easy thing to try, and you could go with a cheap option like a neti pot, to see if it helps before considering buying some form of pump.

It’s like any addiction: you have to fight through that, then it stops, in my experience.

Huh, well I may be wrong then! I just only ever saw it here, and never saw it back living in Chicago.

That said it was founded in Portland, and looks like it was bought by a national food chain in 2015, which would make some sense as that would indicate it went wider about the time I moved here, so there it is.

Said like someone who has never truly been addicted to something. I am joking, but that is not the way it works for my addictions. From what I have read, it gets easier, but it never goes away.

That explains why it is everywhere here now. It used to be something the stores had a little bit of tucked away on the side, now in my local stores it’s one of the more prominent brands.

I believe this is true. In my case I’m just trying to cut back on bread. I’ll still have it from time to time. And I’ll try to have whole grains.

This is me with sugar. The last holiday was celebration of sugar (cookies, cake, drinks, etc.) Once I get some sugar in my system, I want more more more. Maybe we ate all the cookies in the house, I guess I should go get some more! It becomes hard to walk by sweets in the grocery store and not buy some. Its just a few, no big deal.

That lasts 3-5 days, but if I’m successful in holding off then I don’t feel the same pull. Fuck yes I’d still enjoy a cookie, but I can walk by the sweets display and it only require a little effort to say “I don’t need that right now.”

I think this is why not keeping junk food in the house is so important for me to keep on track. If the barrier to eating junk is low, I will eat it despite knowing I shouldn’t. Then because I’ve had sugar, I’ll buy more. If I make it harder to get (at a minimum I have to walk to the grocery store) it’s enough of a barrier to resist IF I haven’t had recent exposure.

I can do that with my equivalent to cookies, it gets to the point where I see them in the store, and they barely register. Then suddenly, after months of ignoring them, I really need cookies now.

That’s really interesting. Is there a particular trigger for it that you have noticed? Maybe you need an established plan for how to respond when that happens, so you aren’t dealing with it on the fly.

I can get it here in Austin.

Yeah, I am doing this, but it doesn’t seem to make a huge difference.

Oh, ok. If your nose is really dry, I’d try 2-3x a day until it settles down.

Stress. I don’t worry about falling off the wagon too much, as long as I get back on it quickly.

That’s cool. I think we all need to live a little from time to time.

We get it here in North Carolina as well and it became an instant favorite. My wife likes to limit me to the thin sliced variety but it’s still tasty and covers the bread craving and then some.

It’s funny how this is key for so many of us but the actual things that are triggers are different. For me it’s certain brands of chips/snacks and also ice cream. You could leave the most amazing pie or cake on the counter for a week and I would avoid it without issue. But a pint of ice cream in the freezer or some Cheetos … dangerous. And I literally feel like failure while eating either. I know I’m giving in to some base brain endorphin that I don’t control well and I know that’s one of the reasons I’m overweight but turning that off and controlling it is quite hard.

Preach brother! I am exactly the same way. For 6 months I was under 200 pounds for the first time in over a decade. I put on around 9 pounds in 2-3 months because I let myself slide and it was like injecting crack straight into my brain. I haven’t been able to right the ship even though I know I have to. i’ve averaged over 200 pounds for the last 3 months and have been hovering in the 208-210 range. I’m a bit mad at myself, and I suck :-)

Every January I do the whole 30.

It works for me.

I’m sure the formula could be tweaked and honestly, probably just staying away from highly processed foods would be enough.

Given reports of people coughing up blood, etc. my complaints are minor. But I still have one!

I had my left hip replaced at the end of November. I am progressing well with it, recovery is going great. Just started outpatient physical therapy this week. But now what’s happening is my right hip is starting to bug me and when I did PT the other day, my right knee got so annoyed that I couldn’t do much the day after.

Both hips were x-rayed back when I got them done last June. When I was talking with my orthopedist about the left hip surgery, I asked him what condition my right hip was in. He said “it ain’t that far behind your left one.” so perhaps, now that my left hip is not screwed up, my right hip is starting to go.

My sister had both hips replaced - huge improvement to her quality of life, after some adjustment. So good luck :)

That is not a minor surgery! Common, yes, but not minor. Don’t sell yourself short.