Let's play Dwarf Fortress: Happy Accidents

I’m glad people are enjoying it!

I certainly didn’t. We can only be glad that the cardinals left before fetching the comfy chair.

The value of her sacrifice cannot be overstated. She really went the extra mile, too, by drowning in the river rather than dying instantly on the bank. It bought us the few precious minutes we needed, and she will be remembered.

Next update will be Wednesday-ish. Maybe Tuesday. In the meantime, if anyone wishes to be a dwarf under the forceful and effective administration of Rith Irerush, second of his name, positions will soon be available. Or if anyone wishes to be re-dwarfed, I’m sure our 57% fatality rate is just a fluke. Things can only go up from here, right?

I don’t often post on QT3… but when I do it’s because there’s something fantastic.

Can’t wait for the next update!!

I have now reinstalled DF.

In which the Management addresses concerns of the common workerdwarf:

The terrible, swift waters of our happy little stream have rendered poor Anan Zisur and Minesign’s bodies inaccessible. Without a proper burial, their grim and restless revenants will surely haunt our halls.

It is the opinion of the Management that–as Paintsplattered currently has but a single hall, and it is a short one at that–no self-respecting shade would waste its time in so cramped a space.

It is the further opinion of the Management that our delvings would be considerably more extensive, with many grand halls already, had not Minesign so carelessly allowed his pick to slip from his lifeless grasp and into the depths of Torturechannel. A formal complaint has been filed.

The falling cherry blossoms at the turn of the season are an apt and poignant metaphor for our recent travails. Might we not set our tools aside for a moment of calm reflection?

It is the opinion of the Management that the annual carpet of cherry blossoms can be understood to represent not our recent travails, but rather the Untidiness of Nature. To set our tools aside is to invite this untidiness into our homes and hearts, and indeed, into our very beards. Moreover, poor Gary gave her axe and life to fell those cherry trees, that they might better serve our cause as bins, barrels, beds, and charcoal for the forges. Do not let her sacrifice be in vain.

They all fell at once, and with uncommon fury

The Management’s Report to the Mountainhomes, Early Summer 500

The common workerdwarf is a sentimental and superstitious creature. Nevertheless, they are quite right in this case that the falling cherry blossoms are uncommonly beautiful against the backdrop of this green and cardinal-blighted hell. As the petals fall, so shall our industry rise! We must act swiftly, however, to ensure that our friends’ ghosts do not also rise. In one short month, Paintsplattered has transformed itself from a place of quiet mourning to a bustling hive of activity.

Gendal moved into the carpenter’s workshop left empty by the coming of the flock. He selected a few nice pieces of cherrywood from among the many logs Gary had felled, and set about making coffins for our dead. We stuffed our former carpenter and interim expedition leader into one with as much ceremony as time allowed. Likewise for Zikath Bumal-Ish, who had the good sense to die on solid ground and not in the stream. We could only find a few of Minesign’s molars (which we’re only moderately certain aren’t dog teeth, but honestly, who ever checks these things?), however, and nothing at all of Anan Zisur. Stricter anti-spectre measures were in order.

Here lie the teeth of Minesign, we hope

Because this was an all-hands-on-deck situation (and because it involved the eternal rest of the Previous Management), Rith Irerush set his bookkeeping duties aside and strode off, pick in hand, into the depths of Paintsplattered. The depths, in this case, were no farther than the back wall of the east wing of the storage chambers, but this was just as well. It is right and proper that the common workerdwarf should see the Management contributing to the good of the fortress, and what could be more inspiring than the sight of the expedition leader himself taking a few swings at a wall of sand before taking a well-deserved nap?

There was last autumn’s cheese to be sampled next, and some nut-brown ale, but eventually Rith got around to putting on a good show for any onlookers. Eventually he delved deeply enough to procure some chunks of gabbro. Not, perhaps, the fanciest of stones, but a solid one, and suitable enough for some memorials. It was that or shale. Jord–undoubtedly inspired by Rith’s selfless and hardworking spirit–set to work at once, carving the gabbro into slabs and then engraving them.

In the midst of all this, in an effort to improve morale, the prohibition on non-metaphorical weeping has been rescinded, and we’ve all grown quite sodden with tears. (Gendal is the exception here, for he was caught out in the rain while filling in for Gary. The Management is nothing if not magnanimous, however, and he has been issued a one-time real-tear deferment. After all, he’s soaking wet, and we cannot be certain that he was not having a good cry while chopping down happy little trees with Gary’s axe. He’s a loyal one, that Gendal.)

We finished the memorial slabs near the end of the month and gradually settled into a comfortable routine. A bit of work, a bit of cheese and wine. A bit more work, a bit of rum and reindeer hearts. And then one day, as we watched our wayward fortress cat chasing hamsters in the seed store, we heard voices raised in jubilation. Far to the south, deep in the dead forest, some migrants had arrived.

The poor fools

–The Management, 500/05/05

Attached you will find:

One formal complaint regarding Minesign’s failure to provide adequate space within our halls for his own restless spirit.

One formal deferment of Gendal’s weeping duties, until such time as he can come back inside, away from the unfriendly skies.

One informal inquiry as to why anyone ever leaves the Mountainhomes, because apparently water just falls from the sky now, and when did that start happening? It’s caught us a bit wrong-footed, is all.

Surely the brother of Zikâth Bumal-Ish, Nunok Bumal-Ish, is amongst them?

An Exhaustive and Informative Tour for New Arrivals

  • Thank you for surviving the journey here. All new arrivals are encouraged to express delight at the rolling green hills to the north. Failure to express sufficient delight will result in assignment to the Rolling Green Hills construction squad.

  • If you look to your left, you will see the mangled corpse of a giant undead moth. We leave it here as a reminder of the forceful and effective administration of the late Anan Zisur. This could be YOU!

  • If you look to your right, you will see the mangled corpse of a stray-but-loyal dog. We leave it here as a reminder of the many perils of the surface. This could also be YOU!

  • If you look down, you will see 17 dog teeth. We’re not really sure why we’re keeping these, but there were only three of us left until you got here, and no one’s had time to pick all of them up. Unless you’re already short on teeth, we can’t rule out the possibility that this, too, could be YOU.

  • If you look up, you will see as many as 5 additional dog teeth nestled among the branches. We didn’t think this could be YOU, but Gary got surprisingly far up there before the cardinals got her.

  • This concludes the tour. Welcome to Paintsplattered.

The Management’s Report to the Mountainhomes, Late Summer 500

It’s been a busy couple of months, and the bustle of activity at Paintsplattered has left little time for a full report. Migrants arrived–eight stout dwarves and one dwarven child, along with an alpaca and a fuzzy brown gosling. Before we’d even begun to meet our fellow pioneering dwarves, we could already taste the goose eggs and alpaca cheese, and feel the snuggly warm socks we’d one day enjoy. Much work was needed before that idle fancy could reach fruition, though.

New arrivals were ushered into our meeting hall. The meeting hall, you will remember, doubles as the coal-and-leather store, and trebles as an emergency shelter from marauding birds. It also has some workshops. And a cage full of horses and peafowl. And all our beds. And sometimes a cat. It’s a very versatile space. It is not, however, a very large space. With Minesign’s pick–along with most of Minesign himself–still lost to the depths of Torturechannel, it once again fell to Rith to lead by example.

Farms were the first priority, followed by workshop space and expanded storage. With those projects tolerably well advanced, Rith formally surrendered his pick to Zursul Durad. Zursul knows nearly nothing about the fine art of mining, but the soft loam and clay of the workshop levels will prove no match for even his novice efforts. Soon enough, we hope, he’ll be ready to carve out some proper bedrooms and maybe a dining room or tavern. We have a decided lack of actual living spaces at Paintsplattered, and the common workerdwarf has begun to notice.

The Still: Foremost among workshops

Meanwhile, O’Malley has begun taking every bit of stone he can get his hands on and turning them into goblets. Very, very nice goblets, because he’s a legendary stonecrafter. It’s anyone’s guess as to why he left the Mountainhomes behind, but their loss is our gain. With his goblets in our stockpiles, we’ll finally have something worth trading when the caravan arrives. Prior to O’Malley’s arrival, our plan was to sell them Zikath Bumal-Ish’s socks, shoes, and gloves. They’re torn to shreds, but the blood gives them a nice authenticity. At any rate, O’Malley’s masterworks will fetch a fine price. What’s more, we no longer have to drink straight from the keg. (We’ve grown very civilized over the past season.) The only downside is that we no longer have an excuse to drink straight from the keg. A formal complaint has been filed.

Meanwhile, we set about making our new trade depot accessible to the outside world. First we carved a long entrance tunnel that opens to the north. Then, operating on the assumption–more of a certainty, really–that our troubles are largely behind us, we built a bridge over Torturechannel. It offers convenient access for anyone or anything that emerges from the dead forest to the south, and it is generally hoped to be less foolhardy than it sounds. As we’ve already established, all of our troubles are definitely probably a thing of the past. And even if they aren’t, the only serious threats we’ve encountered have been airborne. Our need for wagonloads of cheese and steel surely outweighs the paltry risk of a rampaging pack of giant coatis, or marauding zombie wombat men.

As Jon Danger began sowing seeds for our life-giving, fermentable crops in the lower farms, we temporarily repurposed the upper farms. Someday we’ll grow surface crops there, but for now, Paintsplattered has its first library! Spokk has made the acquaintance of several visiting scholars and engineers as she ponders the impenetrable mysteries of life. If we can furnish her with scrolls, perhaps she’ll give us a crisply written treatise on her chosen subject.

Dwarven algebra

Time flowed ever onward, and our thoughts turned toward the Mountainhomes and the long-expected caravan. Autumn came, and with it came the giant magpie corpses.

One more than last time

Exquisite annotations

–The Management, 500/07/01

Attached you will find:

One formal complaint regarding O’Malley Fortresstool’s underhanded and frankly criminal attempt at limiting our alcohol intake.

The Anan Zisur Memorial Worker Aptitude Assessment and Also Analysis

(Waaaaa, for short)

Applicant: ddtibbs

Desired occupation: Weaponsmith

Qualifications: Adequate weaponsmith

Verdict: We regret that we are unable to match your skills to our needs at this time. As we currently have no one trained in the use of weapons, you must understand that we cannot justify employing a weaponsmith for the foreseeable future. We are excited, however, to be able to offer you a prime position within our fledgling fortress. We fully expect you will share our excitement as you begin your career as a hammerdwarf. Congratulations, ddtibbs, you’re in the army now.

Revised verdict: We regret that your exciting career as hammerdwarf has been unavoidably delayed. As we currently have no hammers in stock, we will be unable to properly equip you for the foreseeable future. We are excited, however, to be able to offer the you an only slightly less prestigious role within our military until such time as we can employ an adequately skilled weaponsmith. Congratulations, ddtibbs, you’re going to be a wrestler.

Revision to revised verdict: We regret that your exciting career as wrestler has been unavoidably delayed. As we are currently without a barracks, you will have nowhere to practice your sweet take-downs, throws, and joint locks for the foreseeable future. We are excited, however, to be able to offer you access to a screw pump in the corner near the spare furniture. Congratulations, ddtibbs, you’re going to be a pump operator.

Personnel Report, Late Summer 500

'Gendal' Moruldibesh

Brewer, substitute carpenter, wielder of Gary’s axe. Known for her impractical footwear. Currently bored.

'Jord' Dishmabuzol

Mason and part-time engraver. Known for his practical footwear. Currently drunk.

'Rith Irerush' Asteshnicat

Miner, expedition leader, paragon of stability and dwarven virtue in the very tryingest of times. Currently bored and drunk.

'Zursul Durad' Koganamkol

Miner. Married to Spokk. Hasn’t yet hit any rocks, but that will soon change.

'Lantz' Dixilpuji

Carpenter. Married to Marquac. Absolutely detests fire snakes. Working hard to alleviate the three-beds-for-twelve-dwarves issue that’s plagued us these past two months.

'O'Malley' Geshudlor

Stonecrafter. Married to Jon Danger. Currently the sole source of our potential exports.

'Jon Danger' Gerigeral

Farmer. Married to O’Malley. Uncertain if Danger is her middle name. Currently tending a new crop of quarry bushes.

'Marquac' Edribatow

Cook. Milker. Cheese maker. Married to Lantz. Doesn’t value perseverance and shies away from confrontations, but makes a fine horse cheese, so we let it slide.

'ddtibbs' Lolorsavot

Pump operator. Soon to be wrestler. Soon to be soon to be hammerdwarf. Married to Thufir.

'Thufir' Logemrath

Also a pump operator. Also soon to be a wrestler. Also soon to be soon to be a hammerdwarf. Married to ddtibbs.

'Spokk' Ralegen

Scholar. Married to Zursul Durad. Also answers to Spock, and possibly Sp’ahk. Currently thinking about algebra.

'Citizen #500-1-09' Apoatek

So named to better facilitate recordkeeping. Son of Lantz and Marquac. Mostly plays make believe.

We’re still waiting for Wyndwraith, anonymgeist, and Nunok Bumal-Ish (long-lost brother of Zikath), but I’m sure they’ll show up by and by.

Undead birds and what not. You know where those come from. Trees. And you know who loves trees. Those damned dirty elves.

Oh yeah.

Do I still get to hit the elf-spawn?

Wait a minute, what?

She is in a constant state of internal rage. She has little time for forgiveness and will generally seek retribution.

Oh hell yeah.

“Tool” indeed!

Still, when you’re (I’m) the one bringing home the bacon, you’re (I’m) the one who gets to (checks notes)… regulate the beer consumption, I guess.

Good thing @ddtibbs isn’t in charge of regulating the beer consumption! I can speak from personal experience that he’s an enabler of beer intake. :)

Within the last season, she didn’t feel anything after seeing a dog’s dead body.

Jon Danger is a fisherdwarf, so I am gutting fish all day, and don’t care about dead animals.

I think I might be a serial killer.

I’m delighted to hear that Spokk has “somewhat tall ears.” That sounds right! It was also interesting to learn that Spokk is female, and that she has a “long moustache.” Fortunately, it’s “neatly combed.”

@rossbob I am absolutely loving this! I am enamored by this game even though I lack the patience to play it myself. This is a great combination of DF crazy, explanations so I can follow along, and humor. I even got a chance to finally marry @marquac.

In which the Management addresses concerns of the common workerdwarf:

Visiting scholars have drunk all our beer. Is that a done thing? To go to someone’s fortress, talk loudly in their library, and drink up all their beer? We think that it is not, but we do not know, and our empty mugs want answers.

It is the opinion of the Management that our alcohol exists for the betterment of our neighbors as well as ourselves. Beer is well known for its role in scholarly and philosophical discussion. It is just and wise that we should loosen the tongues and sharpen the minds of our visitors with the last of our beer. After all, we’ll still have rum for ourselves.

The rum’s run out, too. Are there emergency protocols to follow? Is there a well-stocked burrow to which we can retreat from the harsh, rumless reality of the frontier?

It is the opinion of the Management that the dwindling of our alcohol supply does not yet constitute a true emergency. We calculate that our stores still hold drinks enough for 80% of Paintsplattered’s dwarves. As winter is well known for being the shortest season, we remain confident that spring will be here before sobriety sets in, and tender new stalks of cave wheat will be soon to follow.

The Management’s Report to the Mountainhomes, Late Autumn 500

The rum’s run out. Scholars drank all the beer. We’re forced to choose between ale and mittens.

Ours will be a long and sober winter.

But that was only the most recent event in a long, eventful season, and we mustn’t get ahead of ourselves.

To begin with, we have some bad news about your engineer. Thob Delethcog arrived here in late summer. She mingled with the other scholars and sampled the local liquor, and then–perhaps you’ve noticed–she never made it back to you. We’re pleased to report that she isn’t missing. We know exactly where she is. We just can’t quite get to her, and that’s why we had Jord carve her a nice memorial slab.

“In memory of Thob Delethcog,” it says, “born 355, went missing in the year 500.”

(Except, as we've said, she didn't go missing. She ran afoul of a giant zombie magpie and then she bled to death, while drowning.)

To shreds, you say.

It’s some of Jord’s finest work, and it serves as a source of inspiration for the common workerdwarf whenever they pass it by on their way for a drink. We have every intention of giving her a proper burial one day, but, like Anan Zisur and Minesign before her, she currently lies on the bottom of Torturechannel. Draining the stream long enough to recover her body will take significant time and expertise. To expedite this process, please send several more of your finest engineers at the earliest opportunity.

We will miss Thob’s contributions to our scholarly discussions, but scholarship’s loss is the rest of Paintsplattered’s gain. While she distracted the magpies, everyone else was able to retreat to the safety of the underground. They nearly got poor Lantz, but he’s a fast one, and he kept his wits about him. It’s left him with a bit of a hunted, haunted look, but we’re pretty sure that’s temporary.

In the midst of that excitement, Jon Danger harvested our first crop of plump helmets. Gendal hauled them by the barrel-full to his still and for a time we were rich in wine. We drank deeply from O’Malley’s goblets and life (for those still living) was good.

Our hopes rose still further when the caravan arrived. While the merchants unpacked their wares and the common workerdwarf hauled our tradegoods to the depot, the Management held many Important Meetings with our outpost liaison. Trade agreements were signed (we need more silk and steel; the Mountainhomes are keen for sheets and cloth), news was exchanged (we broke your engineer; it’s been quiet elsewhere) and our business was concluded (our fortunes rise and fall together).

Wagonloads of luxuries and staples

Our mittens will command a decent price

And then–though it is strictly against policy to make mistakes–we will admit to losing our heads a little in what is best thought of as a happy accident of unfettered consumerism. We traded all our goblets for cheese. We traded them for leather and bits of raw glass. We traded them for silver, for copper, for kangaroo parchment. We bought and we bought and–still rich in wine–we bought more. But we did not buy a single keg of ale, nor cask of rum. “Gendal is the brewer here,” we said, “and we shall not go thirsty.”

Who among us hasn't compulsively bought 20 little wheels of kangaroo cheese?

Looking back through the haze of our thirst, we should have bought something for Gendal to brew. Besides that too-small crop of plump helmets, Jon Danger has thus far devoted herself to quarry bushes and pig tails. It’s no use fermenting the former, and we’d hoped the latter could be threshed and spun and woven to make mittens for the long winter. Also because they’ll fetch a fine price with the Mountainhomes. But whereas our fingers are not yet frostbitten, our goblets have run dry. Or they would have, if we hadn’t sold them.

We’ll finish our report after sampling taking stock of the wine. Unless the common workerdwarf has guzzled it like so much sewer brew.

–The Management, 500/10/01

Attached you will find:

One formal request for a calendar with only two months of winter. The third month can be distributed among spring and summer, or maybe replaced altogether by a nice little drawing of a stoically sober dwarf and something catchy and inspiring but slightly ominous, like “Full mugs flood forts.”

What Does It Take to Get a Drink Around Here?

You’ve just survived the journey to Paintsplattered, and you’ve worked up quite a thirst. What does it take to get a drink around here? Brewmaster Gendal walks you through the process from farm plot to goblet.

  1. First you’ll need a barrel and something to brew.
  2. Gary takes an axe into the forest above to chop down a happy little tree.
  3. Zikath Bumal-Ish goes foraging for wild plants.
  4. Zikath returns with some asparagus. Asparagus beer is a thing, right?
  5. Asparagus beer is not a thing. Minesign eats the asparagus.
    -Oh no, cardinals!-
  6. Anan Zisur distracts the flock, sacrificing herself so that some few may live.
  7. Gary, Minesign, and Zikath Bumal-Ish all die.
  8. A month is lost as we huddle in silent terror.
  9. Gendal takes up Gary’s axe to chop down a happy little tree in her memory.
  10. Lantz, O’Malley, and Jon Danger arrive.
  11. Rith Irerush excavates a chamber for the farm plots.
  12. Jon Danger sows some plump helmet spawn.
  13. O’Malley begins crafting goblets for the inaugural tasting.
  14. Lantz selects a nice piece of willow that’s been baking under the summer sun.
    -Oh no, magpies!-
  15. Lantz avoids his predecessors’ fates as a visiting engineer distracts the flock.
  16. Jon Danger harvests the first crop of plump helmets.
  17. Lantz fashions the willow wood into a barrel.
  18. Gendal constructs a still.
    -Meanwhile, the Management has traded all the goblets for some cheese-
  19. Gendal ferments the plump helmets into a fine dwarven wine.
  20. Lantz, still harrowed from the run-in with the magpies, goes for a pint. There are no goblets. He drinks straight from the keg as the stress begins to mount.

Lantz will remember that.

Sorry for the late update. Part 2 of autumn will be up in a day or two.

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen “Mirror, Mirror”, but I’m pretty sure no good can come from bearded Spocks.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it! It’s been a good excuse to pace myself and not burn out on a fort in a matter of days.

Better late than never. I’m really enjoying this thread, so thanks for that.

I’m so glad it’s not just me!

I just did this the other day on Amazon.

Really enjoying the writing and the creative story telling!

Enjoying it here!

Addendum to the Management’s Report to the Mountainhomes, Late Autumn 500

There’s wine enough for some weeks yet, but the common workerdwarf must be closely watched. Their penchant for guzzling is well known.

To continue where we left off, there were many matters to attend to this season, and our sorry state of rumlessness crept up on us. Scarcely a month after the caravan arrived, another wave of migrants made the journey. Eight more stout dwarves, and (though we did not think to mark it at the time) eight more unquenchable thirsts.

Noteworthy additions to the fortress include anonymgeist (a musician of some talent); her husband Nunok Bumal-Ish (a peasant whom we’ve employed as a clothier); and Wyndwraith (a legendary bone carver and part-time mechanic). Also joining us are Citizen #500-2-01 through Citizen #500-2-05. We assume belouski must be among one of these five, but it was raining when they arrived and it seems their travel papers were rendered quite illegible in the downpour.

The new arrivals were ushered into our meeting room, which is the same sandy pit it’s been since we dug it out back in spring. Jobs were assigned according to their abilities and/or our needs. Mostly our needs. Two of our new Citizens were assigned to threshing and spinning, and the remaining three joined Thufir and ddtibbs on the screw pumps.

Alas for the ambitions of our bone carver, Paintsplattered suffers from a shortage of carvable bones. Thus far they’re either mangled to the point of uselessness, or clattering about in the fescue grass trying to kills us. In hopes of producing some bones between these two extremes, then, Wyndwraith has been placed in charge of the moderately deadly traps.

Nunok Bumal-Ish, as you may well know, is (by mutual declaration) the brother of Zikath Bumal-Ish. He’s also (by birth) Lantz’s cousin and Marquac’s uncle. The common workerdwarf weaves a tangled web. As clothier, Nunok will eventually be responsible for turning our newly woven pig tail cloth into garments of all sorts. For now it’s just mittens from dawn until dusk. If he’s lucky, one of our three beds will be available by the time he’s too exhausted to sew another stitch. He’s an inspiration to the common workerdwarf, our Nunok is.

And his labor keeps the fingers of the Management toasty warm

While most of this season’s developments occurred in the storage and workshop levels of Paintsplattered, Zursul Durad dug deeper. After his stairway into the uncharted depths failed to reveal anything exciting, unpleasant, or made of too many teeth, he shifted his efforts to our future dining room. His delvings have yielded a surplus of stone, a few semiprecious gems, and a vein of limonite. Precious limonite! When we’re finally able to begin a large-scale smelting operation, this ore will be a vital source of raw materials.

There's iron in them thar halls

Jord was quick to take advantage of the surplus of stone. He carved an armor stand out of quartzite and installed it in the far west corner of the workshops, where we’ve established our first barracks. Thufir was appointed militia commander and we are eager to see him in battle. We may have little choice in this matter. Wyndwraith’s deadly traps are not yet operational, and a flock of giant zombie keas roams the southern bank. Our lives may well be in Thufir’s hands. His wife ddtibbs will be joining him, but she’s been given a temporary reassignment to our woodburning and weaponsmithing division. The happy couple will soon be smashing each other with a pair of copper and silver war hammers. For training purposes, we assume, but it is not our place to question.

Wait a few more months for Zursul to carve one from the bones of the earth and then get a room, you two

We’d hoped to one day employ Nunok’s talented wife, anonymgeist, as a bard in the grandest of our temples. To say that this has already been accomplished is, we believe, technically correct. Credit for our swift success rests firmly on Lantz’s shoulders:

While we were welcoming our migrant dwarves, the stress of it all (honestly, everything, as far as we’re aware) began to tell upon poor Lantz. Quite aside from narrowly escaping giant zombie magpies and witnessing the end of poor Thob Delethcog at the beaks of the same, Lantz has been missing the comforts of home. No goblets, no tables or chairs, still not enough beds (although, as carpenter, we feel he has only himself to blame for this particular woe). He’s also been caught in the rain somewhat regularly, he has nowhere to pray to any of his half-dozen deities, and he misses his favorite nephew.

It’s a lengthy list, and the Management is nothing if not sympathetic to the common workerdwarf’s travails. We scheduled a meeting with Lantz, the duration of which he spent crying. He came back the next week for a followup, during which he yelled a bit. It seemed to help.

Imagine if he didn't have an iron will and a deep well of patience

Not pictured: Lantz apparently brought Rith to tears

We also set aside an unused corner of the workshops as a nondenominational temple, open to all visitors and permanently staffed by anonymgeist. We’re hopeful that her musical talents will make up for the somewhat drab furnishings. (And by “somewhat drab” we mean “complete lack of.” It’s half a room carved out of silty clay.) Just as our sandy pit of a library was named the Silvery Vault, so too shall our temple in the far east corner be known as the West Convent. Rest assured, our maps shall be updated accordingly.

Now our bard just needs an instrument

It was at this point–our fortunes tinged with ever-present danger, but ever on the rise–that we became aware of our impending alcohol shortage. Between the temples and the tantrums and the mittens, we hope, one can easily understand why our attention was elsewhere when the rum ran out. More difficult to understand is how the scholars drank all our beer. On Spokk’s watch, no less. Did they talk too much, and grow too thirsty? Or did they not talk enough, and turn to drink in their boredom? A formal complaint will be filed at the conclusion of our investigation.

Rest assured, however, that every step shall be taken to ensure that we do not have to rely upon Torturechannel to quench our thirst. Healthsome and refreshing though our elf-friends hold water to be, it simply seems unwise to drift through life in a fog of sobriety. How would our thinkers think? How would our common workerdwarf work? And how–we ask you!–would the Management continue to make the solid, level-headed decisions we can only assume we’re known for?

Do elves like raking leaves? Because we have a lot

–The Management, 500/10/01

Attached you will find:

One formal inquiry regarding the correct identity of belouski.

One formal request for a set of maps correctly identifying the location of the grandest of our temples.

One formal inquiry regarding the frequency and duration of scholarly discussion required for minimum thirstiness.

One formal inquiry regarding Jon Danger Gerigeral’s middle name. We’re strongly considering sending someone out in search of brewable surface plants, and if Danger is her middle name, it would be a shame not to take advantage of this bit of serendipity.