Let's Watch (And Discuss) The Prisoner

That sounds great. And no sign of it anywhere. Just one 13 min clip that was taken down.

I’m excited for the discussion on the first episode to commence. Coming to this with no real foreknowledge beyond references in The Simpsons, this first episode is a real treat.


So here we go, starting of course with the pilot.

An unnamed man, apparently a government agent of some kind, angrily storms into his superior’s office, slams his fist on the table a couple of times, drops off a resignation letter, and leaves. While McGoohan maintained to his dying day that this was definitely NOT John Drake, the character he played in his previous series Danger Man (Secret Agent in the US) the photo of him that gets x-ed out was a publicity shot from that show, so you be the judge.

We next see him rapidly packing. Is he going on a trip, or could he be defecting? That would be telling. A mysterious figure funnels some sort of gas into our hero’s flat and he passes out, waking up later in what appears to be his own place……….

…….except when he open the curtains he finds he’s no longer in London but in some fantasy village made up of surreal architecture and pastel colors. (The show was filmed in the real Welsh resot town of Portmerion, which I still hope to visit one day). Exploring, he discovers that not only is there no way to leave, there’s no contact with the outside world at all.

Eventually he’s summoned before the patriarch of the Village, and informed that as a secret agent he knows too much, but if he’ll just tell the powers that be the reason for his resignation, he can live out his life in comfort. No one is referred to by name, only number. No 2 is the absolute authority, and the Prisoner is to be referred to as No. 6.

Given a tour, we begin to see the Orwellian underpinning of life In the Village. Not only is everyone under constant surveillance, but there are slogans like “A Still Tongue Makes A Happy Life”.

Eventually he hooks up with a former colleague, and hatches an escape plan, but discovers that getting out or finding out the identity of No. 1 isn’t going to be so easy.

The episode does a great job of setting up the premise and the cat-and-mouse game that runs throughout the series. Several recurring characters and themes are introduced here such as No 2 always being a step ahead of The Prisoner (I’m gonna call him P), the replaceable No 2’s, the fact that no one can be trusted, the Butler, and , of course, Rover.

  • Cobb (some characters are named, but rarely) refers to “our new masters”. Given that the show came out during the height of the Cold War could he be referring to the Soviets? Maybe it’s aliens.
  • Like a lot of pilots, some elements are introduced that never reappear. Who is the tall man in the top hat at the start of the episode? What’s the deal with the maintenance men – are they clones? Robots? Who knows
  • The Butler (Angelo Muscat) is the only character to be credited and appear in every episode other than McGoohan. Conventional wisdom says that he’s to represent the common man, the little guy (in this case, literally) who keeps the gears turning and makes the machinery of society work. But notice he’s the only resident of the Village with no number.
  • Rover (the Village guardian) was originally supposed to be a vehicle with a police light on top, but it never worked right and McGoohan decided it looked stupid. Shortly afterwards he happened to spot a weather balloon, which gave him the idea for something different.
  • If you squint, you can see the first clue to the identity of No. 1.

Next week Dance of the Dead . Until then remember – we’re all pawns, my dear. Be seeing you.

I want to echo this. The beginning of the first episode is especially striking, but I thought the editing throughout was wonderful.

Thanks for the reminder! Amazon has them arranged by air date so I probably would have just continued on with The Chimes of Big Ben otherwise.

Dance of the Dead

The episode opens with the Village medical team performing a mind control experiment on P. They have some sort of hypnosis/mind control device on his head and he’s talking on the phone to another former colleague, Dutton, also in the Village and under control. Dutton is being told what to say, the goal being to get P to say why he resigned. P resists, and becomes more and more agitated, until No. 2 intervenes. P is too valuable to be treated so harshly and be subjected to possible permanent injury.

P wakes up the next morning to find an invitation to the Village carnival. No. 2 explains that this is an annual event, and includes a costume ball. The Village, will, of course, provide the appropriate costume, which turns out to be P’s own tux.

Late on he comes across a dead body that has washed ashore. P has the idea to use the corpse as a very smelly bottle, and writes a note, slips it in the body’s pocket, and makes plans to set it out later when the tide is in.

He also comes across Dutton, who has apparently been in the Village for some time. The authorities have been unable to break him, and are now about to take “final measures”. Dutton has been sent off by himself to consider his situation and have one last chance to talk.

At the ball, P spars with No. 2, who has come dressed as Peter Pan. P slips away, and, disguised as a doctor, is given a message to deliver to No. 2 – Dutton is to be terminated. He also comes across the body he had planned to send out with a message, and is discovered by No. 2 who explains that she has her own plans for the body. It will be altered to resemble P, have P’s ID in his pocket, and the world will believe P dead.

P is brought back to the ballroom, and put on “trial” for his resistance. He asks that Dutton be brought in as a character witness, but it’s too late – Dutton is wearing the mind control device P had at the start of the episode, and has possibly been lobotomized. P is sentenced to death for his efforts.

P makes a break for it, but is chased down, and not killed, but again confronted by No.2. P tells her that he can’t be broken, and No. 2’s response is chilling “How unfortunate for you, then.”

This is an episode I didn’t care for originally, because it seemed as if nothing happens. In the original running order on CBS it came in the middle, after several episodes where the Village really fucks with P, and this hour seemed anticlimactic. As the second episode, it makes more sense. P comments several times that he’s a new arrival, and No. 2 is still willing to try less drastic measures.

We also have our first woman No. 2. McGoohan supposedly had issues with women. Several actresses who worked on the series claim to have been treated shabbily, and he famously barred any romance or sex in the series. People talk about how every woman in the series betrays him, but the same can be said about the men, so I don’t know.

Next time, one of my favorites – Chimes of Big Ben. Be seeing you.

Sorry, I’m running a little late on this.

One thing that struck me as curious about this episode is how much we are shown behind the scenes. I would have expected the viewpoint to be more tightly locked to the Prisoner. But it does give us more time with the new Number 2, who is fantastic (as they have all been, so far).

Right off the bat, I felt a little disoriented at the start of this episode with the hypnosis stuff, but (whether intentional or not) I think that works in its favor.

Not knowing anything about the overall story, I’m very curious about where this will end up, and whether there is a strong central plot with a conclusion, or if it’s more purely episodic.

The show is definitely episodic, although the strong central plot is there of the Village trying to break P, and P’s attempts to remain an individual and escape.

I’m running a couple of days behind, so my thoughts on Chimes probably won’t be up for another week.

Sorry about that.

Just curious why you don’t just call him No. 6 (apart from the obvious, in-fiction view that he doesn’t like it)?

That’s pretty much why.

Regarding Dance of the Dead:

I agree that this one seems boring and, for me, doesn’t stand out as particularly memorable. Still, there’s plenty interesting to look at at the Carnival and during the “cabaret”. I like the cat (and mouse) and its interactions. Later, when No. 2 dresses as Peter Pan, No. 6 mentions it, “…and his shadow,” meaning the cat, perhaps? I really enjoy the dialogue between them during this moment, and throughout, as they verbally spar.

Some other things of note:

I like how the opening sequence/titles happen as if for the first time, where they have the new No. 2 reciting the same dialogue in response to No. 6. (which I recall happens every time, with a few exceptions?) Is there a kind of Groundhog Day situation happening?

Does anyone have any insight into what the printer machine actually is?

The interesting thing about the weekly opening is MAJOR SPOILER ALERT it reveals the identity of No.1

As to the printer, I haven’t a clue.

The Chimes of Big Ben

We open to P waking up to the chirpy village announcer. To no one’s surprise, he is also being observed by the new No. 2, who is fascinated by the challenge (“He can make even putting on his dressing gown appear an act of defiance!”). No. 2 has the idea that if he can just make P reveal the reason for his resignation, everything else will follow. The PA announces an arts & crafts competition, to be held in 6 weeks.

We next see No. 2 and P as they watch the arrival of the Village helicopter, bringing in a new prisoner. The woman – Nadia – is to be the new No. 8, the previous one having presumably perished in an escape attempt. P encounters her as she is heading for her first meeting with No. 2 and is wary of her, assuming her to be a plant of some kind. That night they meet again, and No. 8 reveals that she’s from Estonia, and is probably there because she accidentally discovered some material about the Village. P starts to warm up to her a bit.

The next morning No. 8 goes for a swim, and when it becomes apparent she isn’t swimming back, Rover is dispatched to catch up with her. Turns out Nadia was an Olympic swimmer, and was obviously trying to escape. She’s brought to the hospital for questioning and P is brought in to observe. During the interrogation she collapses and begs to be killed. P confronts No.2 and they strike a bargain. If he’s allowed to take No. 8 under his wing, he’ll make an effort to settle down and fit in. He still won’t tell them anything, but at least he’ll participate in the upcoming Craft Fair.

P gets to work on his exhibit with the help of No. 8, and they draw closer to each other. She confides that she came across a map that shows the Village to be on an island in the Baltic, 30 miles off the coast of Poland. That was the swim she had been attempting.

The day of the competition arrives. Every entry is a portrayal of No.2, with the exception of P’s, which is three pieces of “abstract” art, and is called “Escape” (subtle). Strangely, nobody seems to notice that the pieces can obviously be assembled into a boat.

Sure enough, under the cover of darkness, P and No. 8 steal the work, put it together and set sail, using a tapestry of No.2 to propel them. They make their way to the Polish coast, where they meet up with a colleague of Nadia’s He packs them in a couple of crates and ships them off to London, where they’ll be unloaded in the offices of P’s old agency. And sure enough they are.

P and Nadia are confronted by P’s former superiors, who are understandably suspicious. After all, he resigned, disappeared for several months, and now is reappearing from the other side of the Iron Curtain. The only way to regain their trust is with a full debriefing, starting with the reason for his resignation. P is about to comply when Big Ben strikes the hour, and………………

This was one of my favorite episodes when I saw the show originally in ’68 and remains so today. Who doesn’t love the late, great, Leo McKern, whether he’s chasing after “Bee-atles” in Help or stalking the halls of the Old Bailey? No one else can carry off a phrase like “my dear chap” as well as he, and the banter between him and McGoohan is some of the finest in the entire series. No wonder OMG!!! MAJOR SPOILER!!! they brought him back for the series finale. In 1967/68 to even suggest that the East and the West might be two sides of the same coin was considered almost treasonous, and I’m kind of surprised it made it past the CBS censors.

I also liked that not only was Nadia a plant, she was there to observe and report on No.2’s progress. Also, buried in the episode, is a clue to the Village’s actual location.

All of that said, the episode has some logic problems. The whole plan hinges on P using the Craft Fair as a way to create a way to escape. A safe bet, but not guaranteed. Also he decided on a boat and leaving by sea before Nadia tells him they’re on an island in the Baltic. Also, 6 weeks has passed between the start of the episode and the escape attempt. Not only is No. 2 not replaced, but he apparently isn’t making much of an effort to get P to talk. You would think that would set off his Spidey Sense a little.

Next Week, seascapes (sea escapes?). Also Free For All . Elections! Fake News! Maybe even some Russian meddling!

Be seeing you.

There are two episodes coming up back to back that feature the same No. 2, and there’s a No. 2 that appears more than once, several episodes apart.

Glad you’re enjoying it.

If you don’t mind a spoiler in response. Up to you.

I think we’re supposed to chalk up Nadia’s mistake as a result of growing up in the Soviet Union, and presumably not knowing much about the West.

Re: The Chimes of Big Ben

Great fun. One of the things that solidified during this watch is, I think, one of the reason I enjoy this show so much. No. 6 continues to have a sense of humor (if a bit sardonic), in spite of everything, which is an important aspect I think. The Village is mostly full of dim-witted, humorless followers, whom just don’t seem to “get the joke” in regards to No. 6 attitude, or, in this case, his Art. This sort of high-level humor requires an amount of both intelligence and skepticism of authority distinctly lacking in society (something McGoohan alludes to in the awesome interview linked above). It also serves as a barometer of the Individual. Becoming subsumed by the system, whether it’s in The Village, in Dawn of the Dead, or Invasion of the Body Snatchers, renders one unable to think on their own and appreciate humor. Zombies, pod people, Numbers (or the dead) don’t laugh. Many of the No. 2’s certainly do, though, McKern’s being particularly iconic.

Other things:

I love the radio inside the mini-fridge.

Three cubes of sugar in the tea?

Two cute little baby Rovers!

(edit) I forgot casual No. 6’s stylish wind breaker.

Nice point on the sense of humor. I never really thought of that. I was going to comment on the “three lumps of sugar” moment, but forgot to do so.

There was a part where No. 2 asks No. 6 what he wants and he says he wants to be the first man on the moon. I was like wait, when was this made? Oh it was made before the moon landing, cool!

Free For All

We open on No. 6 waking for the day in a particularly grumpy mood. He receives a call from No. 2 asking him to come to the Green Dome for some breakfast and a little face time, and replies “The mountain can come to Mohammed”. Almost immediately No. 2 is at the door. Breakfast is served to them by No. 58, a new arrival who doesn’t speak English and is sort of childlike.

No 2 gets down to business. Election day is approaching, and apparently his is an elected position. He’s concerned about running with no opposition, and would like 6 to throw his hat into the ring. No. 6 is naturally suspicious, but when he steps outside and into the middle of a demonstration of support for No.2, he gets the idea that perhaps if he wins he can shut the Village down from the inside, and maybe even learn the identity of No.1 He addresses the crowd and tells them that if elected, he intends to separate the prisoners form the guards. Almost immediately a group breaks off and starts demonstrating support for No.6. No 58 is to be his driver and assistant.

While driving to the Village Hall, 6 is joined by a reporter and photographer from the Village newspaper, the Tally Ho, who bombard him with a series of questions, to which he responds “No comment”, and to which they make up their own answers. When he finally tells them to mind their own business, they report that as “No comment”. They leap off the cart, and while they are still in plain sight, the afternoon edition is printed with the story already on the front page.

No. 2 invites 6 to speak before the Village Council who sit silent and expressionless while he lectures them on freedom and resistance. He also refers to them as “cabbages” and “tailors’ dummies”. The lectern starts spinning, and a chute opens beneath him. Sliding down, he finds himself in front of a doctor who offers him a cup of tea. The tea contains some sort of truth serum, as well as another drug, which leaves 6 almost catatonic. The doctor administers a “lie detector” exam, questioning No. 6 on what he hopes to accomplish. No. 6 sits silently while the movement of a sphere and a cube indicate whether the answers he is thinking about are truthful.

P awakens, and, still under the influence of the drugs, throws himself wholeheartedly into his campaign, again assisted by No. 58. Sure enough, he wins the election and is awarded the badge of No. 2. The old 2 leads him to the office, where No. 58 begins gleefully pushing random buttons. This somehow brings 6 around, and he joins in, getting on the Village PA and announcing that he is turning off the security systems and everyone is free to leave. Suddenly 58 turns serious, snaps her fingers, and 6 is under again. She slaps him a few times, which wakes him up enough to make a run for it. He ends up in a cavern under the Green Dome where a de-activated Rover is surrounded by guards, who beat the shit out of him.

They drag him back to the office, where No. 58 is now wearing the badge of No. 2. Speaking perfect English, she tells him this is only a taste of what he can expect, and asks if he’s ready to talk. Without waiting for an answer she has him dragged away and unceremoniously dumped back in his house.

Whew. A lot to unpack here. I loved this episode when I first saw it back in the day, but I don’t think it ages well. In 2019 if you produced an episode of a show the point of which is that politicians mutter empty slogans to get votes and the media puts their own slant on the news, you’d get a reaction like “No shit, Sherlock. Now pass the Cheetos.”, but in 1967 this was pretty heady stuff. The biggest problem I have with it is McGoohan’s performance, or rather the tone. In Chimes he came off as mostly bemused, but in this episode he’s either in a trance or pissed off and short tempered. This was the first episode that he both wrote (under the pseudonym Paddy Fitz) and directed, so perhaps the strain is starting to catch up to him. Some other thoughts -

For the first time we see the Village fucking with him just because it can. It’s a theme we’ll return to in future episodes.

The photo on the “Vote for 6” placards is a publicity shot from Danger Man/Secret Agent, further evidence that No. 6 is John Drake. The theory is that McGoohan always denied it because he didn’t want to pay royalties for the use of the character.

Several things happen almost instantaneously throughout the episode, giving it a dream-like quality. Spoiler – no, it isn’t all a dream.

I’m not sure what to make of the guards around Rover. I remember when I first saw it I thought there was a cult-like aspect to it, but it didn’t strike me that way this time.

The Village pub is The Cat & Mouse. How perfect is that?

Now is as good a time as any to bring up McGoohan’s issues with women. Several actresses say that he treated them terribly on set. Four episodes in, and he’s been betrayed by a woman in every one (with more to come), and the “cabbages” and “tailors’ dummies” of the Village Council are all women. Something was clearly going on with the guy.

Next week, Checkmate. Be seeing you.