LGBTQIA+: Issues and Discussion Thread

Probably just racist. That’s a bigger issue with the lingering Woman’s Movement in addition to the transgender and stuff around Israel. The biggest challenge some of these groups face is they are very, very small groups. It’s hard to get a voice even when things are not complicated.

A lot of radfems are lesbians who don’t like people with penises, phallophobic and proud. Penis is a symbol of masculinity, maleness, rape, sexual aggression, sexual violence etc. What the penis owner thinks is irrelevant because it doesn’t cancel out a millennia of oppression of women by men. This used to be acceptable. It obviously isnt now because of the feminine penis. I dont have a problem with the misandrist element, because i know they are right. We do oppress women.

Not that… really care to know, really, but do “radfems” actually exist?

Sure, mostly 2nd gen feminists. Lots of the big names from the 70s, Greer, Bindel etc. Most of the Andrea “I’m a radical feminist, not the fun kind” Dworkin generation and Gen X’ers. The Rad part is important. Radical feminism. Men as the enemy, men as the oppressor, men as rape, men as violence. Many are also victims of male sexual violence. These are lesbians who will not accept being told that not having sex with a penis is bigotry and transphobic.

but don’t get me wrong, whilst they might be right on womens rights and feminism, the ultra-radfem blanket treatment of all trans is where they lost sympathy from me. Lots of bullying of mentally ill, vulnerable people and collective blame/responsibility being applied, and whilst their opposites the TRA extremists have similar attitudes there are the majority who are in between who dont deserve it.

OMFG, do not let radtrans catch you calling body dysmorphia a mental illness.

We’ve gone from alphabet soup to what sound like enemies from Fallout.

I meant trans and bi polar, or trans and psychotic, or trans and depressed. Suicide rates don’t exactly point at strong and stable people.

Miranda Yardley is an interesting player in this, the editor of extreme metal music mag Terrorizer, writer on trans and radfem issues in the likes of The Morning Star is an incredibly agrressive online warrior who got banned from Twitter last year. I followed her for a while but the flame wars were too much for even me. Miranda identifies as a trans woman, not as a woman, and is part of the radfems, a faction i believe call themselves gender critical trans women but is no platformed for being a "transphobic terf". Nothing is straight forward about this.

Thanks for linking that… nice counterpoint to the HuffPost piece linked above.

I know that it’s just my own ignorance, but my instinct when i see this says that these folks are just way up their own asses about this stuff.

Like, they are just becoming “gender nerds” and are getting way more into it than normal people.

Do you know any of these people personally?

I’m asking only cuz if so, I’m wondering if you’ve talked to them about their journey and have any first person insight into what they experience. Didn’t mean it to sound like a trap question.

No, I’ve known gay people, but not any transgender people. There aren’t that many. Statistically, they’re like half a percent of the population.

But to be clear, my statement was more about the person in that quote, not all trans people. I assume that most trans folk just want to be left alone to do their own thing and not be shamed or attacked for it.

I think that’s true, too.

So very much this. I knew / know several trans* persons. I don’t know if I should tell a few stories here. To me it seems like trying to focus on me instead of them. But yeah, that’s the basis. To be normal, ultimately. There are some scary stories out there.

If you are looking for insight on the journey you might try this article.

I think Dade has another article out there somewhere, I think.

I don’t read articles that tell me I need to read them. I’d rather live in ignorance.

I’ll keep that in mind when I don’t give you articles you ask for.

Much improved.

I hate it when people play keep-away.

“Hate is, of course, an almost entirely terrible thing.”

I have a few trans folks (I hope) I can call friends. Their “demands” seem to include

1.) being treated like a human being
2.) being addressed in a polite manner
3.) being able to pee in a bathroom

These do not seem to be unreasonable requests to me.

I also find it anger inducing that when its Republicans who are called out for being racists or fascists or bigots then they are the first to demand politically correct language for themselves but deny it to others.