Liberals also say and do stupid shit

Dragon Age says hi.

Please tell it my answer hasn’t changed: I promise I’ll get back to its bleak, dismal world of misery and bland grey-and-brownness when I have literally nothing else that is fun to do.

(I did not enjoy my 10 hours with DA:O)

:) 345

lol lol lol

Hey there’s no way they’re still talking about orcs after three days. Maybe it all finally calmed down okay guys what the fuck

One does not simply walk into the liberal stupidity thread.

Fly you fools!

I’m loving the comments on that article. The “DemonicRats Party”, lol. Don’t they know how popular Skaven are among millennials?

And Skaven eat avocado exclusively. You can’t make this shit up.

It seems like if someone on the right said what Cortez said, folks would be flipping the fuck out.

Wait, in this context is the progressive agenda just getting it from both sides, or are both sides doing it to the progressive agenda?

It’s even stranger because she should probably know better.

If some dude in his 60’s says something like that, odds are he doesn’t have a clue and is just saying shit he thinks younger people say. When someone in their 20’s says it? You have to really scratch your head.

Yeah, I don’t know. It’s a really weird use of the phrase.

Like, the progressive agenda is just gonna fuck everyone?

Make love to.

Everyone will “experience” the progressive agenda.

Are you experienced

And do you want to be experienced

Cause I do

My gf’s theory is that she was a hardcore indie kid in college and never listened to much rap/engaged with cultures/scenes/social groups where “run train” was a common phrase. She put it better than I did, whereas I am fumbling and making it sound like only Soulja Boy has ever said “run train” before.

Anyway, basically, she thinks AOC was the kind of nerd who never spent much time learning slang from people cool/perverted/whatever adjective enough to say “run train” colloquially a lot, so she just missed some essential part of its nuance when she halfway picked it up via osmosis down the road.

I think it’s because my gf has grown very weary of AOC and was looking for an excuse to call her a nerd :)

So now we have new congresswomen who say “run train” and “motherfucker”. Ya gotta love it.

But what does she think it means?

if I had to guess? “Go big on,” “go nuts on,” or maybe “go to town on.”

The last one might actually be the most accurate, since even if that has a sexual connotation, it’s often used otherwise.