Liberals also say and do stupid shit

Yeah whatevs. No true Scotsman FTW.

Except it is a liberal position. It has been since I was a child.

And a liberal said the thing. Which is the point of the thread.

Things that can’t be discussed in this thread:
Literally anything.


Liberals are never wrong and if they are they aren’t really liberals anyway.
Also Trump is bad so it doesn’t matter.

The irony of the No True Scotsman being used against me when that’s all this thread ever is, is just icing on the cake.

You guys have quite the hair trigger.

Nothing stupid about not trusting my fellow Americans with guns.

Then again, I grew up in the Netherlands, near a NATO base. The only people with weapons were those trained in there us, and sworn to protect our country. When I see ‘normal’ people with guns, it freaks me out.

No, give me a country with good strong gun laws and regulations. Where I don’t have to worry about my kids getting shot up or some racist white guy shooting some black kid that happened to knock on his door. I mean, seriously, what kind of country do we live in?

Liberals staking out gun violence is going to lose them a lot of elections in many states.

They should not be focusing on this. There are a lot more things they can use as a pillar.

Get the presidency, keep the house majority & take the senate, then you can start some things around this. Making it part of your agenda is going to be divisive.

Name three.

I’m pretty sure you can tell the difference between those people aren’t true liberals and that stupidity is a common stupidity hardly unique to liberals.

It is when you frame it as “screw all your rights, safety matters more than those.”

That’s dumb. That’s the words of a dictator. I get he was singling out the 2nd, but he… wasn’t. He said “any other rights.” That includes: Freedom of Speech, Freedom Against Unlawful Seizures, ANY other rights. It’s exactly that sort of thing that we have a Bill of Rights for. Because safety is everyone living in a police state with zero rights.

There are like 100 threads, of which I take part in, that say I obviously don’t think that.

Get off your soapbox. Liberals are ALSO stupid sometimes, hence this thread.
And you started the No True Scotsman bullshit, while using it yourself literally every single time someone posts in this thread. Every fucking time.
“Hey this Democrat did something dumb,”
“Well, he’s not really a liberal/it doesn’t matter/you’re wrong and he’s smart/Trump is worse.”
Every. Fucking. Time.
There are like 2-3 of you that do it without fail and then pat each other on the back about how clever you are for doing it. You aren’t. It’s dumb and shows you’re just a mirror of Trumpsters, imo. Your side is never wrong and if they are, well they’re not really on my side anyway.

I was wrong. You don’t understand the difference between those people aren’t true liberals and that stupidity is a common stupidity hardly unique to liberals. Sorry about that.

A lot of countries don’t have our level of ‘freedom’ but still are considered liberal societies, and not police states.

Take Germany, with limits on speech (to the point that they limit what children can be named) and severe limits on gun ownship. Do you see them as a police state?

In my mind, a police state is cased by a lack freedom, but by an uneducated population and by limiting participation of the population in the governing process.

We, in the US, seem to be doing both pretty well, don’t you think. Our president is elected by a minority of people. One of the major Chambers is likewise controlled by a minority of people and finally, our courts seemed to be packed by people elected by a minority of the country.

The thing is, there are liberal stupidities. I’ll make my bill worse in an attempt to attract some Republican votes that never materialize is a liberal stupidity. I’ll let the Republicans paralyze a House committee by not appointing any members instead of just changing the rules is a liberal stupidity. I’ll try to look moderate by proposing a solution to a problem that can never work, like tax-advantaged savings accounts is a liberal stupidity. These kinds of fairness errors are errors only liberals make.

Scott, all of those examples are examples of liberals not being liberal enough - are you willing to admit that liberals are also capable of stupidity by being too liberal or by being just play old stupid? B/C IMO, liberals have the same degree of stupidity as most groups of humans, which is much less than the stupidity in the GOP these days b/c the past 40 years of right wing media idiocy has purified and concentrated the stupid inside the GOP to 180 proof. Meanwhile, liberals are still 3.2% stupid.

The republican answers to the past evils of liberals are:

  1. That time they let women vote
  2. That time they tried to help brown people
  3. That time they tried to help poor people

Sure. But plain old stupidity is not liberal stupidity, it’s stupidity. That’s my objection to the ‘examples’ that get posted here. Both liberals and conservatives value some rights more than others and have taken extreme, stupid positions because of that. Anyone who thinks conservatives used to not have stupid positions which value some rights more highly than others should look at e.g. killing union members in defense of ‘property rights’.

I think for the purposes of this thread, liberals being plain old stupid counts.

I don’t know what that means. I’m not trying to police what people post in this thread, so anything counts. Responding to it isn’t policing it.

With this example, the liberal being called it isn’t even proposing any stupid measures. Almost certainly he means that we should restrict assault weapons and large magazines and end gun show loopholes, etc. None of that is stupidity.