Liberals also say and do stupid shit

I mean, the reality is that the Vichy Left has been getting its shit kicked for 30 years in general elections (for, y’know, not representing the actual views of actual Americans) while entrenching itself into the Democratic Party. Which would be fine, except that it coincided with the transformation of the only other party our dumb system effectively allows to exist into the Nihilist Oligarchs And Dipshit Racists party, so now we’ve got President Trump.

Anything that makes the coming course corrections more difficult is not what you’d call optimal.

Stop trying to make Vichy Left happen. It’s not going to happen.

Oh trust me, I get plenty of amusement out of it even though I’m the only one who uses it. Plus it annoys people whose noses I enjoy tweaking ;)

But it’s not just sharing information. The DCCC will blacklist any political operative / consultant / etc, from any further work. I take this to mean that if you help one person fight an incumbent this year, you won’t be recommended by the DCCC for any other candidate ever.

That is stupid. Will it extend to volunteers? What if you help out on a campaign, your candidate unseats a incumbent, and you want to go from volunteer to paid position in another year?

from the article:

The announcement, first reported by The Intercept and National Journal, is a shot across the bow to insurgent candidates and the firms that work with them. It applies broadly to firms that do polling, advertising, digital consulting, fundraising and field organizing.

You can’t justify this policy by cherry picking what’s in it & what’s not.

It’s a stupid policy that will make them look bad.

I mean if Bernie wants to be treated well by the Democratic Party, he could try joining it.

It seems pretty straightforward that parties would not put forward the candidate that most reflects the desires of their most radical supporters, but candidates who are most likely to win the actual election.

The number of times I’ve heard “Trump is a dirtball, but at least he’s a dirtball who will stack the court.” The idea is, better an imperfect candidate on my side that wins, than a perfect category on my side that loses.

Some people may have wanted Bernie. The Democratic Party nominated the person they thought most likely to actually win the general election. Not win the age 18-34 “Shit I shouldn’t have gotten that philosophy degree for $300,000” vote.

If he were just a dirtball I would get it. He’s a demagogue and would-be autocrat who deliberately encourages his followers to indulge their darkest impulses.

Not arguing with you, just venting!

Aside: the bigger challenge going forward is the people who voted for Trump, not Trump himself, as they are now very much emboldened. They are not simply going to transform back into libertarians and neocons after Trump leaves office.

Yes, if they are not electorally thumped, repeatedly, then the country could still go down the Hungary/Turkey/Poland road.

Yeah, because comparing people to Nazi collaborators is always such great humour.

You’re basically the left wing equivalent of a trump-supporter. Your cause might be less odious, but your methods are equally detestable.

There’s a whole dialog ongoing about the relationship between conservatism and authoritarianism. It’s built into the philosophy.

Eh, up until two years ago, the Democrats controlled the presidency for the prior 8, and at the beginning of Obama’s term they also controlled both houses of Congress, including a super majority in the senate.

So I’m not sure how you can say they’ve been getting housed for the past 30 years.

I still can’t believe Twitter is still a thing.


Old people with dementia have obviously started using it, so I expect that the end has begun. Ergo ipso facto covfefe QED.

My fear is someone a lot more competent than Trump takes over, while the Dems play their centrist bothsides crap into not making the playing field as level as possible.

Then we truly get a boot on the neck that can’t be taken off democratically.

I shudder to think of being unable to primary the Dem here in 2020 if she had won. She was way too far to the right, so much that she got no benefit from the blue wave at all.

For the record, the Clintons and their DLC are not Nazis. The whole triangulation thing is a complete abdication of the responsibility of standing up for the rights and political views of non-stupid Americans, and they are very much collaborators with the evil fucks who have co-opted our entire society so they can extract as much wealth from the globe as possible while destroying it for future generations and leaving the current population ignorant, divided, and in perpetual indentured servitude. So, in the strongest possible terms, fuck them. But if my little joke is distracting from resisting the evil fucks, I can certainly retire it.

I mean, look at what the Democrats were running against. W was the low fucking water mark for the GOP until the Freedom Caucus and Trumpism took over. They should have been banished to the wilderness for a lot fucking more than two years in any sane society. Fuck them. Not to mention the complete failure to resist creeping dipshittery in statehouses and governorships across the country. History is already being hugely unkind to the Clinton era of the Democratic Party, and it’s only going to get worse from here.


But you can’t say “They’ve been getting beaten in general elections for 30 years” when they were in fact winning general elections.

Liberal saying stupid shit:
I miss Reagan. Hell, I miss W. I’m not so bold to ask for someone to mirror my beliefs while in office. I just miss when the President I voted against wasn’t cartoonishly evil. Please, God; just this one and I’ll stop praying to win the lottery (which I realize never happens because I don’t buy any tickets).

Well, W Bush killed a lot of people and then made jokes about it. That’s cartoonishly evil enough for me.

How competent do you really need to be if you control the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches? In fact, with Trump’s base it might actually be a strike against you. I don’t think they would trust you if you were competent.