Liberals also say and do stupid shit


This is a guaranteed trainwreck. If this is to get the left on board it will backfire.

So what, a few dozen people who vote might pay attention to this. I am sure each has opinions already known to their own fans.

Who cares what Fox says about it.

If they are a bunch of goofball YouTubers and he has to do the “Soymilk Challenge” or something on-camera, then yes, it’ll backfire. But although I’ve never heard of these people, but I assume they are more like political pundits than like Logan Paul. If they’ve got a few million followers between them, he’ll get some eyeballs and raise his stature a bit, even if no major news source covers it.

They are pretty bad political pundits- who generate a lot of drama. Keffals is extremely controversial in particular.

Ok - so I had literally never heard of any of these people before and looked them up.

Keffals - 110k Twitter followers, 52k YouTube subscribers, 52k Twitch followers
Vaush - 240k Twitter followers, 454k YouTube subscribers, no obvious Twitch
Destiny - 185k Twitter followers, 711k YouTube subscribers, banned from Twitch

No one is going to care about this.

I don’t even understand why this is being posted in this thread. What is stupid about this? AOC famously went on Twitch and played Among Us with a bunch of streamers and it was a huge hit. Why is this different?

Because AOC wasn’t specifically discussing climate change and other policies with Twitch randos? She did touch on stuff while she was playing games, but that’s different from a Twitch event marketed as a political gathering with supposed “biggest political Twitch and YouTube liver-streamers” who seem to be propping themselves up as experts.

Edit: The fact that these yahoos have relatively small followings makes this even worse really. At least if the event was coordinated with Snoop Dogg or Mr. Beast no one would be under the mistaken impression that they carried any political knowledge and there’d be a bigger audience turnout.

Mr.Beast wouldn’t be a bad choice, but I don’t think Mr.Beast wants to be too political, even if he’s walked the walk on some social issues. Another choice that might work well, Adam Page. He’d probably do the stream, and he’s a popular enough pro wrestler who is very well spoken with good values (and a known Bernie supporter).

I think AOC’s event was with one of these streamers (Destiny I believe)

Here the thing though:
Those folks have no expertise. Their opinions are not worth consideration beyond any other random person on the street.

They’re essentially Z list celebrities. It’s like asking Danny Bonaducci what he thinks about socioeconomic policy.

Who cares?

And Ro Khanna isn’t exactly a well known representative either. I only know he exists because he appeared on Bill Maher a few months back. Don’t remember anything about how he came across during that appearance either, which only tells me he wasn’t enough of a nutjob to leave an impression(unlike, say, Russell Brand).

Ro Khanna was one of the few Democrats who was calling on Diane Feinstein to step down so… he’s prescient (not that it takes much foresight) if nothing else.

I don’t think that makes him prescient. Everybody saw the problem, they just had different strategies for dealing with it.

Vindicated, then?

Not really, IMO. ‘Vindicated’ would mean his view was the better one, but I wonder how many judges got confirmed between when Khanna thought she should step down and when she actually died?

Not loving the look of ProPublica in this one:

A consultant for the IRS has been charged with leaking the private tax information of thousands of the nation’s wealthiest people to a prominent news outlet, the Department of Justice announced Friday. […]

A ProPublica spokesperson also declined to comment other than to say the organization has repeatedly said that it did not know the identity of the person who gave them the documents.

So if this happened because they lacked sufficient internal resources to perform their duties and their systems are in need of updating and modernization, clearly this means investing in the IRS is the correct thing to do, right GOP mega donors?

Honestly the fact that those most ‘hurt’ by the leak are going to be largely the group of donors who constantly are part of the push to limit and curtail funding of the IRS, I say time for them to enjoy their finding out phase.

This is the price you pay for wanting to starve the bureau of funding so they can’t audit the rich.

In what way, you think they gave up the source?

Are we going to be arguing that it’s actually ok to steal private information about people, if you imagine you don’t like those people?

This guy wasn’t some kind of whistleblower. He’s just a criminal.

Criminal, but perhaps a Chelsea Manning type criminal who did crimes for what they felt were honorable reasons.