Liberals also say and do stupid shit

I only got through the first half of Eraserhead before I quit and it’s left me as a deeply disturbed individual.

Of course, David Lynch was on his own wavelength with that quote. Now he’s written an open letter to Trump and posted it on facebook

Dear Mr. President,

This is David Lynch writing. I saw that you re-tweeted the Breitbart article with the heading – Director David Lynch: Trump ‘Could Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents in History.’ I wish you and I could sit down and have a talk. This quote which has traveled around was taken a bit out of context and would need some explaining.

Unfortunately, if you continue as you have been, you will not have a chance to go down in history as a great president. This would be very sad it seems for you – and for the country. You are causing suffering and division.

It’s not too late to turn the ship around. Point our ship toward a bright future for all. You can unite the country. Your soul will sing. Under great loving leadership, no one loses – everybody wins. It’s something I hope you think about and take to heart. All you need to do is treat all the people as you would like to be treated.


David Lynch

As usual, the distinction between David Lynch and Mr. Rogers is virtually imperceptible.

P.S. The top comment on this post is comedy gold:

Javier Armendáriz And now Trump is the only person in this planet who has made David Lynch explain something. That’s… A kind of accomplishment?

David Lynch’s work is just so personal and apolitical. I can’t imagine why anyone would care about his political views.

I mean, I don’t? I aggressively do not care about the political opinions who are famous for any reason other than being, or running to be, a politician. Hell I break out in hives if TMZ or Access Hollywood is on tv for more than 5 seconds.

But for some damn reason it seems everyone else in the country does care.

We appeal to you all – to the Czar, to the Ministers, to the Members of the Council of State, to the Privy Councilors, to those who surround the Czar, and to all, in general, who have power – to help to give peace to the nation, and free it from suffering and crime. We appeal to you, not as to men of a hostile camp, but as to men who must of necessity agree with us, as to fellow-workers and brothers.

It cannot be that, in a society of men mutually bound together, one section should feel at ease while another suffers. And this is especially so if it is the majority that suffers. It can only be well for all when it is well for the strongest and most industrious majority, which supports the whole society.

Help, then, to improve the position of that majority, and help it in that which is most important: in what regards its freedom and enlightenment. Only then can your position also be safe and really strong.

This is written by Leo Tolstoy, who in writing it has tried to express not his own thoughts only, but also the opinion of many of the best, kindest, most disinterested, most reasonable people, who all desire these things.

Lynch is a straight up artistic genius, but there’s a reason we don’t elect those to lead us.

e: this is a post brought to you from 48 hours ago because @wumpus doesn’t believe in android

I believe a little bit in Snapdragon 845, everything earlier than that is fucking dead to me. Because it sucks.

It’s probably that terrible single-core perf that is preventing Discourse from picking up input across a third of the screen. Fair.

Or bugs in Android chrome related to its failure to calculate the offset of the hidden address bar, a feature it recently copied from (and apparently failed to copy correctly from) Safari. You know, to-may-to, to-mah-to.

Android, if you’re gonna copy, please stop sucking at copying.

Yeah, Safari is a way more reasonable standard to hold browsers to than Chrome.

I’m just sayin’, Fargo style, that this is 100% a bug in Android Chrome.

p.s. Android suxxxx

Look, that accent is a cartoon. 100 miles out of the city, sure, you start to hear it. 200 miles, ok. 300 miles, oh jeez.

You move 700 miles away to D-troit and you have to listen to podcasts from the homeland to feel like you’re among your people again because everyone is weird about Fords here and why is the whole state so hostile to the city it’s built around? There’s so much opportunity here!

Anyway, my point is that building around Safari first is wack in a way that only a Very Special Episode of a 1989 after-school sitcom can approach.

It’s that wack.

Think about it.

Safari would be the ideal software package to steal from, since it’s only used by two homeless hobos living under a bridge in San Francisco. No one would know.

Zero rating language and other provisions (allegedly) restored:

Good times in Rhode Island, which is not shady as hell.

As it tries to fend off a progressive insurgency, the Democratic Party in one of the bluest states in the country is facing open revolt after endorsing candidates — including a Trump-voting former Republican — in primaries against three progressive women up for re-election this year.

uuuh, what?

Activists in the state also dug up an an archived Twitter account, as first reported by Slate, that appears to belong to Earnheart. The account promoted numerous alt-right personalities like Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, Laura Loomer and Donald Trump Jr.

Oh hell no, a pizzagate person too. What are they thinking?

The tax is on the companies, not the employees.

Faced with a similar situation, some companies probably would make a big stink and move overseas. But if the company has such shallow roots in the US, and is so hostile, do we really want them?