Liberals also say and do stupid shit


Probably worth noting that the Democratic governor and other Democratic players were opposed to it, and the gerrymandering didn’t end up happening.

Yeah, i think we mentioned that in the gerrymandering thread.

Sure, but at least they can go home and give their children the gift of knowing mommy isn’t a scab.

That’s some high level stupidity there. Way to make their union sound like a bunch of heartless bastards.

I genuinely feel this is major issue with the Democratic party, and it’s embarrassing. (Not kidding.) There are certainly members of the GOP who can outmaneuver the Dems if all they do is fixate upon one moron.

I think the union is a bunch of heartless bastards. Somebody might work a couple months and they have to pay $500 for that right. And that gets them what, nothing really because they probably get zero union benefits out of it. They are merely paying for the right to work that job.

Agreed. Seasonal employees should not have to pay Union dues. Limit that to someone who works say 2 months or less… Something when an ending. If they get full time / year round then start the fees then.

But then every job becomes seasonal.

This seems like a dumbass outcome easily dealt with by the Union in question not being assholes. They should do that.

Or, perhaps better, they pay them on a pro-rated basis, e.g. 1/12 of the annual dues each month. If the seasonal job goes away, then the rest of the year’s dues are waived. I’m guessing that’s what this Teamsters local were doing before they lost their minds.

Yeah that wouldn’t happen.

After this scenario, I wouldn’t even give that union those couple of months. They are clearly being led by idiots.

If that were a practical solution you could just say the same thing about employers and skip the union part entirely!

Heh, fair enough.

Per the article ,that is what they do. For some reason, this chapter stopped doing it for a short time. We have no idea why from the article.

And the chapter said it was UPS’s screw up. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me for a company to try and make a union look bad.

I mean obviously UPS would love that, but I don’t see how the union couldn’t step in and refund things.
It feels disingenuous. “Our hands are tied, we have to keep your money, so sorry.”

Well this certainly fits the thread title.

“Though this sign is permitted under Freedom of Speech, I would also like to discuss the impact on the community that this sign has had,” wrote Eddie Papazoni to Parsons. “There are some in the community that have expressed that the sign should be taken down as it has created mixed emotions in the community on how to proceed, issues of inclusion, and the ability to be active members of their community.”

Ah campuses, the windmills that free speech warrior incessantly tilt at. I’m so surprised that the Washington Examiner features a story framed in such as way as to make liberals look dumb. That’s its stock-in-trade. You could rename this thread “The Washington Examiner.” Here is the official university spokesman’s statement on this situation, reported by a more reputable source:

In an e-mail to the Globe, Blaguszewski, the spokesperson for UMass Amherst, called the note Parsons received from the residence director “poorly worded.”

“UMass Amherst emphatically rejects Nazis, and any other hate group, a view expressed in the students’ sign,” Blaguszewski. “However, we are sensitive to the use of profanity, which some may find inappropriate. The university respects the students’ right to display the sign and it may remain up.”