Libs MUST Be Proud!

Now that all depends where you live. I’m Canadian and for Canada I’m somewhat right wing. Which means that Rosie way more right wing than I am, ergo she’s a conservative not a liberal leader.

Listen you godless pinko, the US didn’t win the cold war and build the internet so that you could undermine the very values that prevented you from speaking Russian today, so take the advice of arch-conservative Timothy Leary and drop out! A little bit left-wing is fine to make fun of, but if you think Rosie is conservative, get the hell off our American internet.

Al Gore is my Fuhrer! Michael Moore is Goering!

(Rosie is my nightmare.)

What? You can’t recognize a reckless and stereotypical gneralization when you see one? And dont get too greedy with your internet or we’ll cut off your water and gas.

Looks like Operation 51st State might need to commence a little earlier than planned.

You might want to start with Alberta.

Hmmm last time I was in the field with american troops we were in t-shirts and your guys were in parkas. I’m not too worried.

Can I jump in here and congratulate KrabbyDave as being our brand new P&R asshole newbie!

Anyone want to set up a pool on his post count before he slinks off into jerkoff oblivion?

I look forward to the post where he promises us that he won’t slink off into jerkoff oblivion right before he does.

Can you jerkoff into a douchebag???

Hey, find out what Konsole he likes!