Life is Strange - Square Enix, Remember Me, rewinding time

Aaaand, gameplay video, if you want to spoil the first 20m or so of Episode 1:

Looks like the Deck Nine crew are starting work on a new game for Square Enix. No doubt @Nightgaunt will clue us in when the time is right.

Can I just say that I’m sad our article in Variety didn’t get a headline written in Variety-speak?

“Ink dries in Squeenix-D9 post-prequel dev deal.”

Anyway: It’s true! It’ll probably be awhile before we say any more.

And in other LiS news, the official full trailer for Life Is Strange 2 came out today. The game comes out next week.

Anyone try LiS2 yet? Looking for non-spoilery impressions.

I am so on the fence about this. Not whether I’ll play it, I definitely will. Just not sure if I want to play episodically or wait until it’s all released.

You should play it all at once when it’s done, and then go back and play it episodically as it’s released.

It’ll be really hard to top the original LiS (which has crawled its way to being one of my most favorite games) but damn if this isn’t off to a solid start. Got me a bit choked up at a couple of points–especially with a musical callback to the original.

In case you don’t follow the Streaming thread, I figured I would mention that I’m playing through Life Is Strange 2 on my YouTube channel. Obviously only for those who have already played the ep or who don’t plan on playing it.

I’ve finished my Let’s Play of Life Is Strange 2. With recognition of all my biases–I didn’t have anything to do with making it, but I benefit from the success of the franchise–I think it is an excellent start to the season, even with all its divergences from the original Life is Strange.

The last chapter below. See above for the the first one.

Anyone playing the 2nd game? Am tempted to get the 2nd season for $30 during the current lunar sale.

I’m about halfway through the second episode, and I’d give it a strong recommendation; especially if you liked the prior games. Not sure where it’s headed, but the writing, acting, and music are fantastic.

LIS2 , eps 3-4-5 release dates announced.

Is it me or is that a considerably longer cycle than most episodic games (Kentucky Route Zero notwithstanding)? I quite loved the first game and am excited about the 2nd one but I refuse to get it until the entire game is out or almost out. Otherwise in my old age I forget what happened in the previous episodes.

I’m the same. I don’t bother with episodic games until I can play the whole thing at once but mainly because I worry that I won’t get back into it if I set it aside for too long to play something else. Although, not remembering the content of the previous episode(s) is an issue, too.

I think Sin Episodes still has it beat.

So is the 2nd season not as good as the first, or are people just not interested in episodic releases anymore and are waiting for the full season?

We have pretty much zero little discussion going on regarding season 2. :P

The episodes are far too apart for me to want to buy the game until it gets close to completion. There is no point in me playing it right now. I would never remember the minor characters or nuances of the story 8 months from now.

Episodic games can work but not when they are spaced out over 15 months. It is the same reason there is not a lot of discussion right now about Kentucky Route Zero.

I haven’t played it yet. I think the plan is to put all episodes on Game Pass eventually so I’ll probably wait until they’re all out to try it.