Little Indie Games Worth Knowing About (Probably)

We’re sorry. (we also say “Lol” as a word.)

Edit: further info, from his Steam profile, the developer is Czech.

Yeah but you also have “MDR” to replace LOL.

Is Postapo the Gestapo for potatoes?

Probably the same person who came up with “convo”.

And how is it pronounced, anyway? Pohsta-po, as in pasta made from a potato? Post-apo as in post apacolyptic? PO-stapo, as in “Whatever happened to that guy from SNL, Joe Postapo?”

Inquiring minds want to know.

I’ve actually played a fair bit of Dreadborne Drifters and it’s a good deal of quick, silly, violent fun.

You make freakin’ great desserts so you’ve more than made up for it.

Not only you, but my daughters and her peers in Singapore does it here too. They pronounce it like the first part of lolipop dragged out… an abomination!

Speaking as someone who’s largely dreadful at rhythm games, this has been a lot of fun thus far.

They just released the “Ow! My wrists!” update/hotpatch.

Previously to move the… catching bar thing?.. at all you had to have the mouse button down. Now if you open Options and press “Q” an untitled checkbox appears (how very hotpatch). Put a tick in that box and now the catching bar thingy will move with your mouse without the button held down.

LMB is then used just for beats and slides, with the mouse to catch notes and do spins and the spacebar for additional beats. Or you could just use a controller. Or a DJ deck, apparently.

A game where you play Sean Connery’s Bond in a post-apocalyptical world?

For another sort of Halloween

Beyond the silly premise and obvious Kusoge aspiration, I’m a sucker for games with jetpack physics since Lunar Lander. It’s releasing on the Switch this week.

FYI you guys, this is coming out of early access next week, and it’s pretty damned great.

I’ll have to see this in action, because the screenshots scream utter mess.

I’ll be streaming it at some point, but not for a couple of weeks I think.

I just ran across an interesting looking game this morning:

It’s a party-based RPG that seems like it generates a story as you go along.

It’s got a Paper Mario/Book of Demons 2d paper style going. There’s a number of stats, loot, skills you get as you gain xp and the whole shebang. The mystic mechanism shown in the youtube video below looks sort of interesting too (it relies on manipulating the environment).

A fair bit of the game is played out in a cartoon-like storybook where you often have choices that drive the story, but encounters/battles are played out on a grid based arena. Created by Worldwalker Games out of Austin, TX:

Here’s the Early Access Trailer:

I know many people hate SplatterCat but here’s a video I watched showing it in action:

It’s going to be available on Steam on November 13 - and I think that means available in Early Access.

It’s got a charming vibe to it, and it doesn’t hurt that the main character Splattercat created looks like Shaggy!

Wishlisted for future reviews review of reviewers reviewing the game at release.

It seems like you’re saying you want a review of it.

Why? I sort of like his videos.

There were some replies when I posted an earlier video of his saying how the poster was annoyed by his voice. So I assumed that was the general consensus around here. If not, that’s cool.

No idea. Splat is great. Meant to watch this but haven’t gotten around to it yet.