Alright, sale! $$$ Tell you what, make you a deal, you buy Pirates Outlaws, I buy Gordion Quest. Good deal?
Let’s Make a Deal! I was gonna wait until the 20th, when the discount expires, but I’ll toss it into my cart, which already contains Ancient Enemy, WARSAW, and Godking: Master of Rituals. Yeah, I have issues…
EDIT: Also, this drops today at 1 PM ET…
…and this exits EA today…
…this exits EA next Thursday!
Everything’s fine, folks!
I saw DasTactic (and some others) have put up Lets Plays for Fort Triumph. I’m interested, but unsure. It might scratch that early HoMM itch, but the balance of the game might be more detailed battles, and I am having trouble warming up to this emphasis on lining things up to kick around style of strategy. Maybe I’d like it if I tried it, but I find it offputting.
Hehe, see now every single game you just posted about is already on my wishlist. Of those though, from other impressions shared within these hallowed QT3 walls, I understand Godking really is an EA early stage game, not ready to fully enjoy.
I went and looked up a video to see what you were talking about and yeah, never been a fan of that style of gameplay myself. It’s what put me off Into the Breach, too.
It is, but I like where the devs are taking the title and their confidence in achieving it. Plus, I like playing a game during EA and seeing how it evolves with each update. Each one is almost like a gift on Christmas morning!
Thanks for the suggestions both. I played Pirates Outlaws last night and had a blast thanks to you suggestion! I will also buy and try Gordian Quest!
This List is a Good List.
Also: Spirit Island has been released as an Early Access title!
Very eager to hear any impressions for Sentiels of Freedom. Is it as much like Freedom Force as it looks?
So far, yes it has that vibe! Weeee! Graphics are better, but same vibe, powers are similar as well so far but only just started. All smiles… playing now returning to game.
The big thing I wonder, is how robust the power creator will be…
@LordGek already has it. How is, Tim?
Can confirm Wildermyth is amazing. Amazing.
While I backed the KS and have the beta on Steam of Spirit Island…I have yet to fire it up. I love the dev’s stuff, and at least from what I’ve read of the RL counterpart, it should be fun.
Cool. Let us know if you give it a shot.
Check out @David2’s fancy thread:
It is a fascinating game! Plus I knew you would like it. Tom would too if he didn’t hate the whole “early access” thing.
Which is a thing…
Based on a first play only, this one deserves attention. The tactical battles seem short, sharp and meaningful and there is already a significant range of different heroes, factions and cards to play through.
Cannot think of anything it is very similar to . . . uh, maybe a cross between a deck builder like Slay the Spire and a simple Fire Emblem tactical RPG, with Darkest Dungeon style visuals?
Same dev has two games on mobile as well.
I’ve had my eyes on that one for awhile. Looks good, and unique, for sure.
Verdant Village (free alpha) is a Stardew Valley clone and appears to be quite excellent so far. Runs on Windows, Mac and Linux and only 150MB download: