Little Indie Games Worth Knowing About (Probably)

New side-scrolling RPG in out early access:

Yeah I am tempted to suggest they add workshop support to let you replace spiders with a different animal

Much to my wife’s chagrin, I never kill spiders. Always catch and release.

So I got sent this via my curator page:

I…don’t even know…

Pee Superman? Supeeman was right there.

Also, if your pee burns that much make an appointment with your Doctor.

Wow, that dev really loves their exclamation points.



Curiosity got me…

Don’t you mean “curiosipee”?

Hahaha what a pisser.

And before anyone asks…no, I won’t be streaming it…

These pee jokes are going to run on for sometime aren’t they? :)

I’m getting really peeturbed about it. My afternoon is just flushed down the toilet now.

OH stop being such a whiny pissant.

lmao! well played :)

Man, urine for it now.

Night School (who made Oxenfree and Afterparty) have a new game on Apple Arcade–Next Stop Nowhere. A space… courier… story game? I’ll report back after I’ve given it a try.

Factorio & Parkasaurus have left early access.

New psychedelic shooter from Llamasoft.

Auro has been ported to the Unity engine.

Maybe after 9 years I can finally play Auro in landscape on my iPad like it should have been all along

I take it you’ll be streaming this game? (Get it – streaming?)

Anyway, my question is serious – are they even allowed to mention Superman? Isn’t that like, a well known IP?