Little Indie Games Worth Knowing About (Probably)

Ah, ok. Thanks. It never seemed all that appealing to me, because I’m much less interested in farming than resource gathering, exploring, mining. My sense was that it was heavy on the farming part. I should check out a let’s play or two.

It’s actually focused on the building aspect. Instead of large scale farming (maybe later?) it’s about taking building commissions.

You mean Portia, yes? I was asking about Stardew Valley.

We’re all in this together.

That wasn’t really the concern, I’m saying ‘be cautious’ because Planet Explorers was a mess. :)

From memory they re-wrote that whole game at least once, then in the end admitted they still didn’t do it right so couldn’t fix all the issues with it. Called it ‘content complete’ and pushed it out of early access.

To their credit though they admitted the mistakes, and have just put out a new bug fix patch it seems.

Stardew Valley is great because you can focus on what you like to do. There arguably is more resource gathering and mining than farming. There’s also a lot of fishing, a bunch of different tasks/quests, a friendship/romance gift giving component, etc. you spend more time setting up farmin at he beginning of a season, but once you make sure your crops are watered, which can be automated, you don’t really have to touch them until harvest time.

OMG a Graveyard Keeper Update!

Day 1 for me. I finished the first but was annoyed at the end by things I could have solved easily with functions.

This one is apparently built around parallel programming, which makes me smile just thinking about it. I probably won’t be able to make it to the end, but that’s OK, looking forward to it.

Yeah, I didn’t finish Human Resource Machine, but I rarely finish anything. Certainly had my fun with it.

I’m not so sure about Iconoclasts. There hasn’t been much going on yet. The music isn’t very good. There’s a lot of talking, and the dialogue is kind of awkward. (I hate to admit John Walker is right about that one.) I’m hoping it picks up, but I’m worried konjak may be better suited to short action games than trying to stretch out with a long story.

Anybody playing this?

This looks fun:

Interesting. I never got the sense he was all that hands on with the design of Marvel Heroes (I could be way off base here, it’s just how it seemed from the outside)

I’ve put about 40 hours into My Time at Portia, and will keep playing. Although still in EA, it has a lot of content, and so far no major bugs. It absolutely bears a heavy resemblance to Stardew Valley in game play, but with less farming. It’s much more heavily tilted towards resource gathering, and crafting. Also, better graphics as mentioned above. The focus of the game is to make your crafting workshop the best in the land, which you accomplish by completing posted commissions. You can also work on your relationships with people around the town, and even pursue a romantic partner. The dating process is a set of mini-games which I’m not crazy about, but it’s not too overbearing. I don’t know if there’s a point to taking a spouse yet or not, but if so, I hope the dating part is not dragged on too long.
It’s still got some polishing to do and content to add. Devs are active, and it looks promising for release later this year. This will most likely be a hit with anyone who liked Stardew Valley.

Thanks for the info. Does the combat stay super basic like at the beginning or are there new wrinkles there as the game goes on?

Combat remains very basic throughout. Spam the attack button, dodge incoming attacks. Boss battles are a matter of learning their pattern. Pretty basic stuff, but I’m not sure if this will be tweaked in development.

Human Resource Machine is the only title, of the gazillions in my Steam catalog, that I have completed 100% of the achievements for. :P

Not necessarily a bad thing. I wasn’t looking for super fancy, just hope it remains fun.

I didn’t scan this whole thread, so if this has come up before just ignore, just wondering if anyone has taken a look or knows anything about the devs who made FTL releasing a new one called Into the Breach later this month?

I have some indie dev friends who have been playing an early version of Into the Breach and they say it’s AMAZING.