Live action Ghost in the Shell - Starring Scarlett Johansson

Ray Bradbury is a rather well known personage as well, not only amongst book and sci-fi aficionados. At least amongst my peer group.

Boooh! Scarlett Johansson Booooooh!

It’s exactly the right kind of role for Johansson, where she gets to play someone not quite human. Combine that with her idealized beauty and aptitude for stunts and combat, and you’ve got a pretty terrific casting. I do hope, though, that they use the Stand Alone Complex shows as a guide, rather than the ponderous movies.

I’m trying to think if there would be an equally ideal casting for Batou.

The Rock, and I am only partially kidding. SAC as the source for the characters (if not the plot, for a movie) rather than the movies would make me the happiest kid in the candy store.

Ray Stevenson, maybe?

Or if they want to go younger, Henry Simmons who I think was great on Agents of Shield.

I’m trying to think if there would be an equally ideal casting for Batou.

Ron Perlman.

I want to see an adaptation of Jungle Cruise set in the American Empire, just to see the the reaction that would get.

I’ll watch anything with The Rock in it.

Well, GitS: SAC (the TV series) is not cyberpunk, but more post-cyberpunk (specially the first season). That is, it doesn’t really show a dystopia, but a functioning society with problem created by technology (but a lot of positive aspects too). I think that tone would fit a “modern” Hollywood movie quite well, specially after watching Her (it’s like the darker, edgier, action version of Her :P). I would like that, given that I (and many, judging by the above posts) consider the TV series to be vastly superior to the original movie (which is ok, but overwrought, underdeveloped, and masturbatory in its animation -animation for the shake of coolness and not story-).

But no. We are going to get the equivalent of Pacific Rim, at best… This is HollywOOOooood!!!

Release date announced. April 14th, 2017.

Where did you ever get the idea that cyberpunk had anything to do with dystopia? But yeah, a Hollywood version of GiTS, movie, series, or whatever, will be just godawful. Inevitably godawful.

I think Batou was written draw and animated thinking in Ron Pearlman. Except Batou is a better Ron Pearlman than Ron Pearlman. First, Batou never breaks character or the 4th wall even when the character is forced to do dumb things.

Michael Pitt has been cast as The Laughing Man, which is good news for baren, but probably bad news for the chances of this all still happening. I like the idea of a GitS movie, I like the idea of Scarlett Johansson starring, but it’s still far enough out there in the future I’ve been expecting something to fall apart before production ever really starts. Pitt has a reputation for being difficult to work with, so that just makes the whole idea of this project seem more fragile than before.

Still, his performances have been fine in what I’ve seen, so if it actually makes it to the screen, I’m not unhappy with the casting.

Man, I loved Pitt in S2 of Hannibal. He was replaced in S3 with another guy in the same role, which really threw me for a loop when I started watching.

So, how will we see Scarlett cloak and jump through a window naked (without if you are a complete cyborg, what does it mean to naked?)

She’s not naked! The camo-suit is just flesh colored for…uhhhh…reasons?

Casting Michael Pitt as The Laughing Man does not give me confidence. It makes it seem like they’re turning him into a villain, which is the least interesting take on that story.

Well that may depend on how much of the story you want to unveil; because when you first get into the series, the Laughing Man definitely seems like a villain. You don’t go into it instantly assuming that he’s a good guy.

— Alan

I don’t know about that. He’s not a good guy, sure, but it takes them 20 minutes to get to this:

Stand Alone Complex Episode 4

You haven’t changed a bit Superintendant-General Daidoh. Pleased to meet you. But, you already know who I am don’t you?

You know Mr. Daidoh, I tried to avoid this. I didn’t want to be involved in your world any longer. I was honestly fed up with you people and your rotting rubbish heap of a world.

So I haven’t involved myself in this little farce of yours since the incident occured. Even though I know everything.

In a word, I was exhausted from my fruitless exertions, unfortunately.

But I’ve changed my mind because, well, this show you put on today is pitiful. A farce should be funny, but this one hasn’t made me laugh even once.

So, with the utmost reluctance I must challenge you once again.

You and your comedy troupe are going to reconvene in 3 days, right? When you do, tell the truth this time, won’t you?

Because if the curtain goes up and you put on another performance that rings as false as this one, I will be forced to remove you from the stage.[/spoiler]

Given that the target of his threat is a corrupt SOB involved in the murder of a police officer, it plays more ambiguous than villanous.

Ah, didn’t see this until now, but in case you still wonder, from Tvtropes, which I consider to be the ultimate authority in everything about writing :P

First paragraph in the trope.

Anyway has this movie not been canceled yet? If not why not?