So, Spoofy has a good point that many of us on the left have a tendency to give Obama a pass because his political leanings align with ours. Few on the left are really looking at the stimulus with the kind of critical eye it deserves.
One difference is, Obama is doing what people on the left want - namely, increased government intervention in the economic arena, while Bush was taking steps that fly in the face of conservative doctrine (increasing restrictions on individual rights, circumvention of the rule of law) and yet you never heard a peep, which led me to the conclusion that folks on the right were quite happy to sacrifice their principles so long as Their Guys Won.
I presume you’re talking about Medicare/Medicaid here. Because that’s basically all that’s gone up. And I have a hard time getting my knickers in a twist over health care for poor/old people.
Erosion of rights/freedoms
I’ve been a card carrying member of the ACLU for years, while my fellow Americans (and you, I presume) voted for Bush twice. What are you doing to promote civil rights, other than post angry screeds here?
Out of control greedy corporations
Proliferation of insane regulatory regimes
There seems to be an inherent contradiction in these two complaints, but sure, I agree that we need more regulation to restrict the excesses of the market. That’s very liberal of you. I’m not sure which insane regulatory regimes you are talking about, but undoubtedly it’s some kind of environmental/property rights hoohah.
Increase in corrupt officials
This is not true. Read some history. I’m reading a Truman biography, and the stuff detailed back in the 30s and 40s would make the monocle pop right out of your eye.
Disengaged citizens that don’t know/care what’s going on
Clearly you slept through the last few years. I could characterize the Obama movement many ways (a cult, mass hysteria, etc) but I would not characterize it as “Disengaged citizens who don’t know what’s going on”. I’d also say that the rise of the blogosphere has led to a more engaged and informed citizenry than we’ve had in years.
Pay to play lobbying
Yup. Agreed, agreed, agreed. I presume you screamed loud and long when Cheney refused to disclose the details of his meetings with Enron when formulating the US energy policy? For the record, it’s bullshit for Obama to make a “No Lobbyists” rule, then break it by appointing William Lynn, and is another good example of folks on the left giving Obama a pass on things they should be irate about.
Insane criminal justice system
I agree here, but I suspect we think it’s insane for different reasons. But, yeah, I think it’s bad for America to incarcerate people for minor drug offenses.
Insane civil courts/overlawyering
We’re going to have to agree to disagree here. Civil courts are part of the checks and balances against your “greedy corporations”. As much as Rush might rail on people suing McDonalds for hot coffee, the reality is that the threat of a civil suit is one of the few things that keeps corporations in line. In fact, I’d say that we don’t go far enough in this area (do a wikipedia search for Lilly Ledbetter).