Logan (MMXVII A.D.)

This is set after the prologue of Days of Future Past. We still don’t know how everything went wrong between the end of that and this movie though. The implication is that Xavier may have been accidentally responsible for at least some of the X-Men deaths, but I don’t remember how specific the movie gets (it’s in one of the news clips on the radio I think that mentions the incident at the mansion, right?). In the original Old Man Logan comic (comic spoilers) Logan was deceived by Mysterio (the Spider-Man illusionist villain) and killed all the other X-Men, believing they were other villains. It’s possible some element of that was originally considered for this movie, and later dropped. That would be one explanation that could still account for a version of Logan killing Jean.

I’m even fuzzier on exactly how DofP left things, but didn’t Xavier also have memories of what everyone other than Logan forgot from the original timeline? I can’t remember exactly if that final scene of that film with Logan walking into Xavier’s office was about Xavier catching Logan up on the updated timeline, or Logan catching Xavier up on the original timeline, but if Xavier remembers the original (X3) timeline, it would also be believable that as he’s losing his mind in Logan, he’d be confused about what did and didn’t happen in the current timeline.

Nah, Logan is in continuity, I think you’re thinking of an interview comment that was taken out of context. We’ve covered it a couple times way earlier in the thread.

I don’t remember anything happening in the previous movies that leads to the no new mutants being born(naturally) for the last 25 years that Logan says. I never saw Aplocalyspe so don’t no it that happen as as result.

Logan addresses the cause of that (a genetic modifier that the evil company introduced to food worldwide).

Which made no sense at all… as if mutation works that way. It’s a great movie, but that was not my… favorite explanation.

This is no time to start getting science-y with how mutations work in the X-Men :)

And not just food, but if I remember correctly, it was specifically genetically modified corn, and one of the best vectors for an anti-mutant prophylactic was turning that corn into high fructose corn syrup, which was turned into all the pop/soda the fat American erstwhile mutants were slamming down from toddlerhood.

Which was kind of funny, watching the movie in a movie theater where they encourage you to go from the 32 oz drink to the 144 oz drink. Man, I totally could have been a mutant if it wasn’t for all that Mountain Dew!

It’s the real world, that Mountain Dew probably improves your chances of being a mutant. Unfortunately your mutation would probably suck.

This, but reversed! I think of the other movies as the alternate universe.


Logan’s ward gets her own spin off movie.

I don’t know if that will be a good idea, or if I can get excited at that possibility yet, but yeah, I mean, they’d be stupid not to at least try to make that movie happen.

Uh, no. Jeezus, kerzain, stop enabling dumbassery on the internet. Instead of linking to the half-assed out-of-context clickbait with zero substance, take a look at the actual interview the creators of Logan gave to the Hollywood Reporter. You’ll see there is no such movie in production, or even in development. Sheesh.

That said, I’d love to see Dafne Keen in another movie, specifically something that can play off her amazing physicality and intensity. I’d hate to see her getting dumb cute-little-girl parts in Sundancy movies about precocious children teaching adults how to livelovelearn. But if there was a spin-off about her character, I doubt she’d get the role.

What’s more interesting to me about that interview is the timing. Why are Hugh Jackman, James Mangold, and the producer giving Logan interviews so long after the release? Seems like there’s a studio push for the Academy Awards. They specifically call out Patrick Stewart in the interview, but I’d love to see Logan nominated for actor, supporting actress, direction, and especially screenplay.


Jesus, calm the fuck down. I linked the article that IMDB sourced in their headline. I didn’t go do investigative reporting on the stupid thing.

Fuck, why are you always such an asswipe to me?

I wasn’t aware I’ve ever been an “asswipe” to you, so I can’t answer that question.

But, dude, come on. It’s hardly “investigative reporting” to learn to read the internet with a discerning eye instead of blindly repeating whatever clickbait appears under your nose. I can only imagine how many dimwits are running around the internet today proclaiming a Laura: X-23 movie is on the way, driving traffic to whatever site decided to push that out as a headline. Ugh.


Maybe I just felt singled out but you and you do it to everybody then, I don’t know. Maybe I misread your tone, that happens. But among other interactions, it’s just stuff like you calling me an asshole (or a dick, I forget the specific insult) for random things like giving away game codes in a manner that doesn’t meet some unknown expectation you had. There’s been a trend, but I’ve held my tongue because I’m trying to be a better person.

This info comes from an IMDB aggregated headline/article, and all I did was link the source of the info included in the article. I never really considered IMDB news on the level of empty click-bait, but if that’s what this is, then that’s what it is. So, fine, I’m a dimwit without a discerning eye.


Well, don’t take it personally, I’ve been an “asswipe” to plenty of people who pass along clickbait as fact. It’s one of my pet peeves: people who take at face value stuff they see on the internet. Usually, it bugs me when people do it with movie news, but this has been a great year for letting it bug me with things more important than movie news!

Except that you didn’t link the source. You linked some dipwad blog entry that knew it could get people to pass around the link by selling it as if there was a Laura: X-23 movie on the way. The source was an interview at the Hollywood Reporter that was actually interesting.


Well aside from the source concerns, I am not sure I would wan to see this spin-off, and I am not entirely sure why. I liked Logan well-enough, in a finality kind of way, I think, and not as some sort of piece of a bigger whole.

I agree, while there’s a continuation possible with x-23 I just kinda feel like Logan should be left to stand as its own thing. Trying to use it to start another franchise up feels like it being cheapened.

A lot of it is success of Wonder Woman, as they specifically say in the interview. The thinking – rightly, in my opinion – is that superhero movies could use more strong female characters who stand on their own rather than loiter in the background while Iron Man and Captain America save the world. An X-23 storyline seems like it could be a pretty cool way to do this, especially given the groundwork laid in Logan.


I’d like it, and I enjoyed the performance of the actor who played her. I just don’t know when I’d like to see it pick up or if, instead, some insert into Gifted would be a better thing for the time being and then see how the role evolves over time.