Looking for PBEM opponent for Kharkov: Disaster on the Donets

I bought Kharkov: DotD last week and have played a few turns against the AI in order to learn the game mechanics and UI. However, it would be more interesting to learn by playing against a human opponent, so if there’s someone out there interested in a PBEM game (preferably a relative noob too), reply here or in PM.

Either side is fine with me and I was thinking of using random AOs for the game.

I’d be happy to play Shang. I enjoy the game but at the same time am quite dreadful at it so that should probably be a good match for your noobness. I’ll shoot you a PM.

I’m down too, if anyone else is.

Oh, and PBEM is currently broken in v1.1. They promise a fix soon.

Oh well, that’s a bit of a setback then. :)

I guess we’ll have to wait for the patch before starting any games.

Oops…well, I guess I’ll wait to send you the first turn Shang.

Got a game ready to go with Shang…if anyone else wants to get setup for a game before the patch is out, lemme know…I’m all go.

I’d be up for a game with someone as well, though I’m truly, truly terrible at this. I’ve yet to come close to beating the AI, except one time as the Russians–but then, during a save the game got corrupted so that from then on the units only showed up as transparent squares, so I had to stop that one.