Looking for quality sci-fi to watch

What, no Lexx?

OK, I’m not sure if this is the proper place to put this, but has anyone seen a show called "the Tribe’, and if so, is it any good? I saw it on the shelf for rent as Scarecrow video the other day, and didn’t know what to make of it. Mad Max-meets-Teen-Drama? Comparable to Buffy?

SAAB was great. Lousy pilot and a few bad eps but a really good scifi series overall. Fox as per usual pre-empted it or moved it around a lot, thus it died.

I liked Odyssey 5 and I thought it was a good story idea but it was hit or miss at times. I thought it had enough for another season at least so I was bummed when showtime cancelled it. I don’t know if I’d recommend it now though as they basically ended it with a cliffhanger with nothing being resolved.

Maybe the cgi “starship troopers” series? Thats on dvd now. I thought it was better than the movie myself.

Seconded. It’s up there with Star Trek TNG and most of X-files as the best sci-fi t.v. I’ve ever seen.

Babylon 5: Mentioned above. Great stuff - Londo Mollari and G’kar have the best relationship. You can understand their motivations crystal-clear. Compare it to say Deleen and Sheridan - man his smile is like a used-starfury salesman!

Farscape: Mentioned above. Wacky muppets! The characters are colorful, and the crewmembers do flesh out some with statements and actions that contradict their first impressions. The overall plot does not seem to develop until the later seasons with the Scarran War - I don’t know the ending yet because only the first few seasons were available on DVD - have to wait for the rest as they trickle into the ReplayTV.

Did not see mentioned above, might be of interest:

Earth - The Final Conflict: It’s Gene Roddenberry’s E:FC. Seasons (3-5?) are available on DVD, I watched the first 3 as they’ve been airing on the Sci-Fi channel, now I’m working through the DVDs.

You’d have to find the first season and watch it before you can enjoy the current airings - the plot becomes quite convoluted at this point with several characters killed.

There’s some fun intrigue in the series, and the story arcs seem to advance more quickly than they did in Babylon 5. I remember Babylon 5 had a few “fluff” episodes where they fleshed out the universe or characters more, but did not advance the overall plot.

Let me try to summarize the beginning - It’s set on Earth in the near-future. Aliens called the Taelons/Companions come to earth in peace, bringing magical cures to disease, aging, hunger, war. There’s a group of resistance members that distrusts their motives - they are funded by an old, powerful man, Jonathan Doors. The story centers on two of the Companion bodyguards, Major Marquette and Boone, who are actually members of the resistance.

Can’t really talk about the other seasons without any major spoilers!

I thought E:FC was horrible.



I accidently watched a series that sounds like it might be this. If I recall correctly it was like a futuristic post-apocalyptic kids only survived soap opera. If this is the right show, avoid at all costs.

I dunno–once they get Scorpius into the show, they start having some fine continuing storylines. I still think that the three-part season finale episode (From season two? Three? I forget) where they take out the shadow depository is some of the best sci-fi that I’ve ever seen on TV. I think some of the later seasons lost a bit of the momentum that the show had then, though they were still quite good.

I accidently watched a series that sounds like it might be this. If I recall correctly it was like a futuristic post-apocalyptic kids only survived soap opera. If this is the right show, avoid at all costs.

Cool. Couln’t really find any opinions online other than ‘it’s really popular in Germany!!!’. I’ll just go get the first season of B5 instead. :)

Oh man, I forgot all about Voyagers! What a fun little show that was. Too bad the lead actor accidentally killed himself.

When I look back at sci-fi that was on when I was a kid, I generally remember them kindly. The original star trek or blakes 7 for instance - I see them rose coloured compared to how much I enjoy rewatching them decades later (not as good as I remember them).

Voyagers however I remember as mediocre at best. While it is still a pity the lead actor topped himself, it did on the positive side prevent me from mindlessly watching more of this valueless series. Instead I mindlessly watched Gummi Bears or The Littlest Hobo. Plotlines of The Littlest Hobo still exist as scar tissue in my memory.

Re: Firefly

Chalk up another sale for P2P file sharing.

There’s no way in hell I would have seen this show any other way than filesharing, especially after Fox canceled it. Friday night’s date night with the spousal unit, so when it was on air, I was most likely waiting in line for a table at some over-priced resturant, I wouldn’t have bought the DVD set on recommendations, and I wouldn’t have borrowed copies from someone, it would have just become yet another TV show I didn’t watch. The sad thing is, knowing it was a continuation of the show, I probably would’ve passed on the movie too. But thanks to BitTorrent, I’m a believer. What’s more, I don’t think the quality of the show is inherent to it, but rather, to its creators. So now, I’m much more likely to check out Buffy and Angel than I was previously.

I’ve still only watched the first three episodes…I’m rationing myself to make the experience last longer.

Same, I picked up the dvd of Firefly and when the captain SPOILER[color=white] kicked the guy into the gigantic turbine[/color] END SPOILER I nearly soiled myself laughing with suprise. It was such an unexpected moment that I immediately made the commitment to watch everything Joss Whedon has ever done. My gf I don’t think stopped laughing for weeks at me when I started watching Angel and Buffy. Now she gets pissed when I start watching any of them with out her, and she even started from the beginning to catch up with where I am. Now I have to wait till she does… sigh.

Good stuff anyways.

Just beware you don’t commit “DVD adultery” . . . ;)

I accidently watched a series that sounds like it might be this. If I recall correctly it was like a futuristic post-apocalyptic kids only survived soap opera. If this is the right show, avoid at all costs.[/quote]

If you have satellite, they show this show on WAM (a Starz channel). It seems to be Australian and is overall pretty bad. WAM does show Young Hercules, if you are interested, but that series is not nearly as good as the actual Hercules or Xena. Possibly the best show on WAM is a Canadian comedy called “Our Hero” which features the lovely and very talented Cara Pifko. Sorry for the divergence…just trying to clarify a bit. (Cara, if you are out there…PM me!)

That scene was great! It was were I went from a “Hey, this wasn’t a waste of bandwidth” pirate to a “I must support this show” fanatic.

Two more series that I have come across:

Code Name Eternity

Code Name Eternity looks quite promising, its even got “the token attractive woman” from Jeremiah, Ingrid Kavelaars.

I kept catching the tail end of Codename Eternity when turning to Stargate and was not impressed.