Looking for the cyberpunk in Cyberpunk 2077 [review]

We all float here.

so dumb stupid animal


Much scarier word.

Did JWG come before IT? Or after? My “serial killing clown fu” is weak.

Gacy killed people in the 70’s, King wrote “It” in the 80’s, I think.

This. King started work on the novel in 1980, interestingly, when the crimes were hitting front pages after JWG’s arrest in late ‘78, due to the start of his trial in 1980. That’s when the JWG clown stuff started to hit national consciousness.

I definitely remember being creeped out by Gacy. Some sick stuff.

I think your review was very fair, and honestly am somewhat glad you gave it a 40% (even though I would’ve given it a 50%)… and the reason for that is because of there are far too many gaming journalist reviews that had to have been paid out to give the game a 100%, 10/10 “masterpiece” of a game.

Your low score ended up helping tip the balance from a mid to high 80%, into a low to mid 80%… Of which, this game still does not deserve. Honestly, when I go to see the clearly paid out ratings of a game like this or the self-fart smelling epidemic that happened with the ego of game journalists in trying to claim that The Last of Us Part 2 was basically on another level with how good it was compared to any other game… Which was just not true, lol.

That game was maybe a 70%, maybe 75% at best, and while I don’t know your review score of that game; at least I can find some solace in that there are some gaming journalists out there who had not been paid off. Respect man. Ignore these fools calling you things like a clown or even “a dumb animal”, lol.

You did great, keep it up!

Eh, while all the criticisms leveled at this game are pretty much on point, and critique is not the same as a “do I have fun playing it?” sort of analysis, I have over 200 hours in this thing so I definitely got my $$$ worth. Various parts of it are excellent, but they don’t cohere into something really good overall, sadly enough.

The game took a decade to be released but, in reality, it was only developed for 4 years. (started after TW3: B&W.