Loss of Pet

Aww, you need to get more buddies for her then

Nah. Now that she’s coming to us upright weirdos for affection we’ve been encouraging her to come hang out and cuddle by us. She wasn’t very good at it at first, because the dogs and her mom were always the cuddle targets and attention givers she relied on. But she is discovering that our hands can do more than fill a food dish and it’s kind of cute.

I’m pretty sure my cat is dead.

Stopped eating and mostly drinking. Took him to the vet, weight loss. Vet told me this was one sick cat.

He wasn’t very happy about that whole trip. Insisted on going outside when we got home, turned his nose up at food and water despite the IV fluids.

He’s been out. Hasn’t gone far away from home in a real long time, but he’s nowhere to be found.

Storming out tonight. He’s not in any of his usual shelters. Walked around calling, nothing.

Love you, Oboe. Love you.

I wish I could help you look. I’m sorry man. Much love to you.

Another walk. Nothing. I don’t know what to do but mourn.

My kitty. Just freezing to death in the storm. I’m sorry, buddy.

Oh, man, Adam. I’m so sorry. My heart’s breaking for you.

Fucking he’s home. I was so convinced. Somehow losing my shit more right now. Fucking tonight.

I’m glad he’s home! Very glad!

Dry him off, keep him warm. Sorry, but this happens (owner of his fourth cat lending puny sympathy).

I have changed out of two shirts that got wet at various stages of recovery.

He don’t care. He’s back to his spot on the stairs, chilling. Just keeping an eye on shit. Like an asshole. An asshole who doesn’t even know what we all went through lo these long hours ago.

Love you, Oboe. Asshole.

This seems to be the purest distillation of owning a cat I’ve ever seen.

Or having a toddler.

Feel like an asshole for raising the alarm tonight. Thanks for your sympathy. Fucking cats.

I am so glad you he came back.

I made mine in indoor cat after a few bouts like that. It probably added another year or two to his life, but he hated up until the end.

One month today

Sorry for your loss, Nesrie :(

You brought back fond memories. I lost him for almost 3 days a handful of years ago. I think someone tried to adopt him and boy was I pissed and relieved when he just showed up on the porch like nothing happened.

I feel for you!

A few years ago my parents old (I think she was 15-16 at the time) and frail Siamese cat disappeared for nearly 3 weeks. Every day people went out looking for her. Including me at 5am each morning thinking when its quiet I might be able to listen for her better. At the 2 week mark, I just thought shes got to be dead by now. During that time there were freezing temperature and heavy rain. She wasn’t allowed out and had escaped so we assumed zero survival skills. However, day 19 came around and somebody called, he’d found her in a farmer’s field while he was walking his dog. She’d got desperate and approached a stranger (she generally hated everybody).

I guess the moral of the story is never underestimate the resilience of cats.

Good luck, Adam, glad he came home!

And good to see you back, Nesrie. We were missing you too.

Happy to hear of his safe return! And also glad to see you, Nesrie.

Weelllll he insisted on going out yesterday morning and I didn’t have it in me to deny him.

The vet called back an hour or so later letting me know that his blood work showed no kidney or diabetes issues but a high white blood cell count, so we can give him some antibiotics and there’s a good chance he’ll recover.

Which would be great if he ever decides to come back. I’m guessing he went to go take his final walk though, and that’s that.

So I’m feeling pretty great about the whole thing.

So… he went out again?