LOTRO: Knights of Quarter to Three

Same here.

Uck, I noticed that too.

Holy geez, this is such a slow installer.

Okay I created a human champion, his name’s Astromar.

I love the way you get a loading screen every time you enter or exit an inn. Way to immerse me in the world, Turbine!

Ok, logging in now, Brestage, human champion.

Is there a guild chat tab that I’m missing?

Geez, you are going to make me get back on again, aren’t you :)

The Social Panel in your lower left part of the screen will bring up what you are looking for. Choose the “Kinship” panel within the Social panel.

All right, kid’s in bed, dog has stopped his constant staring at me, cat has been fed for the third time and has agreed to not knock shit off onto me in the morning, and the game is downloaded/installed. What are people mostly rolling?

It could have been worse.

Is it possible to make a Man Burglar?

Too bad you guys aren’t on Gladden. I’m there, with the rest of the aptly-named Old Timer’s Guild. Any QT3’ers who want to hang with a bunch of 25-50 year old gamers who hate drama should check us out.

Just finished a little quest. I’m Foozilbarmumboz, elven LM.

Gah. Already have a Dwarf Guardian on Landroval but I plan on starting up a Burglar or Hunter once I hit 15 with my dwarf so I’ll do that on Nimrodel. Looks like you guys could use another Guardian though…

I’m going to make a character on this server tonight. I typically like to play hybrid or pet classes. Any suggestions? Loremaster or maybe even Minstrel?

I am in the same guild and for the same reasons i.e., older gamers with less drama. The fact that the guild is huge may be offputting to some.

Small board guilds(QT3, OO, etc.) tend to die out rather quickly leaving you a lack of people to group with after a few months.

cough cough Reroll on Gladden you can always form a small board guild and if that dies out then join the OTG.

Downloading now, I think I’ll create a melee fighter. 1 Mbps line so will be a while ;_; .

Thanks, but that’s not what I’m after. What I mean is, is there a way to have a tab that represents like an IRC channel for everyone in the guild?

Well I’m in now, although only my Elf’s in the guild so far.

Eviscerond, Elven Champion

Gunnar, Dwarven Guardian

I don’t have the game installed where I am right now, but last night I think I did it by right-clicking and creating a new tab in the chat thingy panel, renaming it as “kinship” and setting its filter to be kinship only.

Yes, you did.

Might I point out that LoTRO has an excellent help system with a search function cough cough extarbags cough. I’ve used it to answer almost every single question I’ve had about the game. F7 to bring it up.

Yes. Up to five characters per server will be carried over.

Also, if I don’t preorder but do buy the game and can’t transfer my same character, can I start over with a new character with the same name at least?

Don’t know for sure, but I imagine all non-Founder characters get wiped, which would leave those names open for re-use.