Mad Max: Which body for The Magnum Opus?

Let’s figure out which car body is the best!

Any answer other than “Die Rolla” is wrong.

I chose Wild Hunt because it looks most like the Interceptor. Are the Archangels worthwhile? I can’t tell if they’re just suggested builds or if there’s a synergy or set bonus of some kind.

Come on dudes, pics or go home!

Wild Hunt!

Def looks most like an Interceptor.

Although I just got the unlock code and haven’t seen the Ripper…

The Ripper also looks good. I think it’s my second favourite after Wild Hunt. I will try it out soon.

Pogue - I’ve got you covered. Here’s my sweet ride.

Wait a minute, I almost bought a hot air balloon sim? Pretty sneaky, guys.

Air balloon is OP , too bad you can’t snipe from it. :p

I voted Wild Hunt, in honor of Witcher 3.

My first choice was the Die Rolla.

I forget which one this is, but is what I have been using for the last 10 hours.

There’s one body in one of the interstitial screenshots you see occasionally that just looks badass, but I haven’t seen it in the game proper yet. I’m going to pay more attention next time I see it so I can describe the way the scene is arranged. It’s definitely supposed to be the Magnum Opus, though, since I remember Chumbucket being in the back.

BTW, lordkosc, very nice screenshots. I wish I had your eye for composition.

I mean the answer is obvious.

Wild Hunt, I need my GOTY reference

Also it looks the best