Magnum PI

He’s really good in Suicide Squad. He has some range in a film that doesn’t have much at all.

But … the Ferrari, and the helicopter, and Hawaii?!?

True… Those are just as iconic!
To be honest, I was only looking for a good reason to post that 'stache video again…

Though, I really do hope they don’t get rid of it in this new iteration.

No 'stache sadly & it looks like the red ferrari is just getting a cameo in the pilot before it gets swapped out for a black one. Helicopter is there though.

That ‘truck driving off the cliff’ scene gave me a horrible flashback to Legolas running up a collapsing tower. Don’t think this show is for me, but I’ll give it 1 or 2 episodes grace.

That looks kind of fun, but it looks more like a TV show than a movie to me I guess. Didn’t feel like a movie trailer?

Yeah… this is a new TV show. I think the earlier discussions from 2006 centred around a possible movie adaption.

I’m actually much more interested in this as a TV show to be honest. I didn’t watch a ton of Magnum when I was a kid so it’s not super precious to me or anything, though enough to know I might have liked it if I did. I did start watching it streaming a year ago and the first three episodes were fun, so I thihk I’d like to get in on this.