Mainstream Media

I have to agree with what @Scuzz is generally saying here. Universal single-payer healthcare, renewable and sustainable industry, and full college rides sound great and non-wacky to us, but most Republicans would say it’s hardcore socialist wacky. I wager that many in the middle would balk at that tax bill since they don’t seem keen to give up military spending or other expenditures.

I did a quickie version of my 2018 taxes to figure out how much I should be saving (self employed, so no paycheck deductions). The massive increase in the standard deduction had me all like, ‘woo hoo!’ but then the removal of the personal exemption made me all like, ‘bogus!’ It feels like more or less a wash, though I haven’t run my 2018 income through the 2017 tax math to compare apples-to-apples.

Then the problem isn’t the solutions, it’s the marketing. And not letting the GOP control the framing.

And yet the Right continues to pretend that we’re a Christian nation. Such a joke. It’s all about getting theirs and screw everyone else.

Sure. I don’t disagree with that. Hearts and minds and all that.

Way back when, I used to beg people to call it the ACA and not Obamacare. Because for certain types you might as well have called it N*****care. The connection was always meant to be derogatory. It stuck.

They might have lost the PR end of it, but people overwhelmingly seem to want to keep ACA.

As far as costs, as was mentioned earlier, we already pay more for health care than every other nation and we get less for it. So universal health care is definitely something we could do, because we’re already paying more than it would cost with our hybrid system of stupidity. Per capita we spend like $10k a year. Norway spends like $7k. So we’re already paying more than they are, without any of the benefits of spending all that money.

Now free college and the rest is more debatable. The libertarian stance that college is so expensive because it’s subsidized seems to have some truth to it. If we made it free for everyone, then a 2 year degree would be come as good as a GED (which is to say nearly useless). I’m not sure what the solution is on that issue, but what we have where it cost a fortune to get you almost nothing in most cases isn’t sustainable.

I think California is offering one year of free tuition to resident full time students. Of course books will still set you back a couple hundred.

This week Trump inserted himself in Turkey’s currency crisis, continued his war with the press (prompting 350 newspapers to run coordinated editorials condemning his “enemy of the people” rhetoric), escalated his war with the intelligence community by revoking security clearances, called Omarosa a “dog” (after she revealed he didn’t have the guts to take responsibility for firing her himself), and in a humiliating walkback cancelled his pet military parade.

Meanwhile, the long-term outlook for Trump’s administration looks even grimmer, with the Manafort case going to the jury and new signs pointing to Dems retaking the House in the fall.

And what does the New York Times’s White House Correspondent Maggie Haberman choose for her new feature story this week?

All together now!

CNN could of course just not bring on people who are are only legally allowed to be propagandists as discussion panel guests … Oh, what I am I saying? That would be absurd!

CNN needs to do more of that.

Trump forced to taste the bitter taste of betrayal from Pecker leaks

claps furiously

Pecker Let’s Down Trump, Other Embarrasing Bedroom Stories

Trump hammers away at Pecker, anticipating massive leakage

Fed’s squeeze Pecker, halting swamp drain.

Ok I’ll just end it with this one:

President left with bitter taste after Pecker spills the goods on Trump

Trump Finds Leaks of Pecker Pressure Hard to Stomach