It’s not difficult to recall EA’s experimental project Majestic that was set to completely change the way you play games. The disruption of playtime boundaries was unique and exciting to many. “It plays you” I believe was the tag line. Unfortunately there were issues that prevented the game from achieving critical as well as public success: The monthly fee, the linear and basic story line and puzzles, the long periods of waiting… to name a few.
However there was an experience that quietly arrived a few months before Majestic saw its release, funded by an unholy combination of Microsoft, Warner Brothers and Dreamworks no less. Within a trailer for the Steven Speilburg’s movie A.I., a “Sentient Machine Therapist” was credited by the name of Jeanine Salla. This was the silent gateway to an online success and failure.
Success because it had accomplished where Majestic failed (before Majestic was even released). Part of it was due to its not having to pay a monthly fee, but I have no doubt that it was only a small part. The story line was interesting and dynamic. The puzzles ranged from the benign to the obscure. The A.I. game was set up in such a way that demanded collaboration from a large group of individuals which supported a thriving community. The updates were few (once a week) but they incorporated many subplots and left the users with quite a bit to do and think about before the next update arrived. It was exciting, it was involving and it successfully brought in a new way to play games.
But this isn’t about A.I.'s moderate success, because after all was said and done this game was largely ignored by the gaming public. There were numerous articles on various entertainment magazines both online and print, but with regards to gaming specific media there was hardly mention that it existed. Did it just pass gamers by? Or is it something traditional gamers just aren’t interested in? I was fortunate enough to play through it since the beginning and I can’t begin tell you what an exciting and rewarding experience it was to be a part of. The innovative and original ideas it brought to the table I would think would make any adventure gamer salivate. I would’ve expected the critics within the gaming community to accept it with open arms, but instead all one hears about is Majestic and its colossal failure. To all gamers and especially those who have some influence and contribution with the gaming specific media, did you know about the A.I. game and were just not interested? Why?