Man, I need 32GB RAM--16GB isn't cutting it

Good to see the old ways returning. Can you fit it all in 640k?

Wow. I wish I’d known about this years ago.

It’s always driven me mad that, unlike Firefox, Chrome just keeps it’s tabs “active” at all times, even when resuming tabs after a fresh boot!

Why doesn’t Google have Chrome do this by default?

After googling, apparently it does. It’s called “Tab discarding” and you can see the results by entering this in your URL bar: chrome://discards/

However it doesn’t seem to actually help… or perhaps the tabs I have open (e.g. JIRA) do things that makes think Chrome they should be kept open?

Since Vista Windows has used an aggressive RAM caching policy. The idea is that unused RAM is wasteful so Windows will pre-load frequently used files into RAM. Android (and I assume Linux) works the same way. Chrome does this too, under the hood.

As long as you’re not running into performance issues or obvious memory leaks then I wouldn’t worry about high RAM consumption. It’s probably just Windows doing it’s job. I’d also uninstall any 3rd party RAM management apps that you might have as it’ll just interfere with that process.

This seems like as a good a thread as any to say that I got a sweet eBay deal this week, a 2015 Dell Xeon E5-1620 workstation for $200. It came with 32GB RAM, expandable to 256. I’m taking a bath in it now. Fetch the grapes.

As a buddy of mine always said, “I wanna do the backstroke in RAM!”

Firefox 72.0.1 is great, more responsive than Chrome. Using Auto Tab Discard as an equivalent of The Great Suspender.

Having any issues with water damage? ;)