Married But;

I beg to differ! In fact, chipotle had cauliflower rice for a while and we thought it was awesome. However, they have stopped offering it so I guess it didn’t sell as well as they hoped.

I tried broccoli rice, and even as a broccoli fan, it wasn’t so nice.

If you can’t get away from rice, at least sub in quinoa occasionally: more protein, more fiber, and more nutrients than white rice. A smaller serving will supposedly fill you up just as much, but that’s the tricky part, not dishing out the same amount of quinoa that you would for rice into your dish or on your plate.

Quinoa is great, and it’s a local staple here.

As for rice, I had dropped it from my diet years ago on the grounds that it was going to make me more fat, but I ate it fairly often during the pandemic lockdown here, and still lost weight. So I’m okay with eating it now, and we do sometimes.

I love quinoa. It absorbs so much flavor depending on what I throw in it when making it. Curried or Mexican themed quinoa are my faves, but even a somewhat plain cooked but cold quinoa works as a base for a salad mix.

It’s pretty well established at this point that you can’t lose weight by exercising. The only reliable way to lose weight is by eating less and being hungry all the time.

I’d argue this. Lose weight, yeah you need to be in a calorie deficit. Most people want to lose fat. You can do that without being hungry all the time. Nutrition is the biggest contributor. But you’re not going to get fat eating chicken breast, greens, and potatoes every meal. And you won’t be hungry either. Just bored.

Potatoes make me fat. Then again I eat almost 15 pounds worth a month apparently. A bit less total weight after peeling, but yeah Potatoes! Baked, fried, mashed, shredded, potato pancakes, mmmmm.

Yeah, we do Queeno, and also farro couscous, and other grains. I love almost all of them better than rice anyway, but sorry, not the cauliflower stuff.

You’d probably gain less weight if you didn’t peel them, the skin is apparently 50% fiber. :D

Red and golden I usually keep the skins on. ;)

What is your opinion on cauliflower itself, out of curiosity? Do you like the vegetable but hate the rice, or dislike both?

Not a big fan, but it has almost no taste. Somehow ricing it makes it actively worse.

We cut up cauliflower spears into smaller pieces and have them with the other options for veggie dip. It’s like an earthy crunch, which it loses a lot of when cooking.

Kind of like rice, it absorbs the flavor of oil/seasonings. Just boiled/steamed it tastes like mush. But roasted, man that is the good stuff. I’ve had cauliflower rice, it’s okay. I attribute the, “meh,” feeling about it more to the way the dish I had was prepared. Conversely, I have had a pizza with a crust partially made with cauliflower and it was insanely good. And from what I understand, that’s just riced cauliflower processed a little differently into a crust, baked until dry, then toppings added, recooked, etc.

A local bar serves a General Tso’s Cauliflower appetizer that is to die for. We go there specifically for that app.

Whenever I get motivated to lose weight, I like using the Weight Watchers zero point foods list.

Scrambled eggs with salsa and hot sauce for lunch, grilled chicken on romaine for dinner, going light on the Caesar dressing. Sliced deli turkey and pickles for snacking. Cantaloupe, honeydew, and pineapple when I want something sweet. Sometimes sashimi if I can find it at Whole Foods or going out to eat.

It’s nice not to have to worry about portions. When I get incentive (i.e. start to feel ashamed by how heavy my stomach and face look) I can pretty easily stick with that diet for the three or four weeks it takes to drop around 10-12 pounds.

Then my sugar habit comes roaring back like the junkie I am and I get back into my almond M&M’s and late night cereal and ice cream and the cycle starts anew!

Thanks for the link!

This is completely false. Anyone here that has lost weight using some variation of keto/Atkins knows this is wrong.

And no, you probably won’t lose weight by adding exercise to terrible eating habits, but exercise can still help if you control intake. It’s not one or the other, they go hand in hand.

I agree that he maybe didn’t phrase that right… but I think you do need to make a mental adjustment to how full you’ll ever feel when dieting. I’ve never tried keto/Atkins but if I stuff myself with as much as I want of any of those foods I just mentioned, I’m still diet-stuffed, not stuffed-stuffed. If you know what I mean. It’s a healthier feeling.

Fortunately, the weight loss process itself becomes rewarding and satisfying and addictive once you commit.

1. Dieting trumps exercising
Decreasing food intake is much more effective than increasing physical activity to achieve weight loss. If you want to achieve a 300 kcal energy deficit you can run in the park for 3 miles or not eat 2 ounces of potato chips.
2. Exercise can help fix a “broken” metabolism, especially during maintenance
Exercise is very, very important for maintaining lost weight, and people who are not physically active are more likely to gain weight.
3. You’re going to have to work harder than other people – possibly forever
The sad thing is that once you’ve been obese or not moving for some time, it takes a little more exercise to maintain. It doesn’t come back to normal.
4. There’s no magical combination of foods
We know pretty much that any diet will help you lose weight if you follow it. There’s no magic diet. The truth is that ALL Diets will work if you follow them.
5. A calorie IS a calorie!
But where the calories come from does matter in that they influence satiety
6. It’s all about the brain
We want to change behavior here. Anyone that tells you it’s going to happen in 12 weeks, that’s bogus. We’re trying to rewire the brain. Neurobiology has told us so much about what’s going on in weight gain and weight loss. It takes a long time to develop new habits, rituals, routines. This takes months and years. But it will happen.