Mass Effect Andromeda: Here Be Spoilers

Ok finally finished it. Not 100%, but all quests marked on map were done.

This is just recycling material from earlier games. Mysterious technology left by an absentee creator? Check. Normandy? Check and Check. Wholesale slaughter of anyone who looks at Shepard/Ryder funny? Check, check and check. Gameplay wise it is meaty but still recycled from ME3. Jump jet doesn’t add a lot to the run-and-gun gameplay wise. Does it deserve ~70 metacritic score? I don’t know. All I know is it is a bit meh.

Most of the crew members suck IMO. Drack the grumpy old man (with a bad hip) is the only good one. Jaal the alien is not alien, just bland (and no he is not another Javik, Javik is a funny fascist, and Jaal clearly isn’t a fascist). Cora is bland. Peebee is absolutely annoying. Her loyalty quest is even more PITA. Vetra is ok (and no not another Garrus, she is much more shady). And what’s-his-name is so bland I can’t even remember his name.

The crafting again is broken like DA:I, because it is so expense to craft a weapon. Every 10 levels or so you need a new weapon to keep up with enemy level, it would be too expense to craft a new weapon every 10 levels, because some component like element zero is very very very hard to come by. Mining is just more busy work.

Inquisition perk/cryo pod is basically equivalent, influence in DA:I = AVP in ME:A.

And Bioware is still crap with the scripting of personal missions. So after coming back from a totally mysterious space station, your crew tells you he is having a baby? Really?

And the graphics is disappointing Most of the human faces are just terrible. You talk to Suvi all the time, but compared with Sara, she looks pretty plastic. And I haven’t even got to Addison.