Mass Effect Andromeda - I'm not Commander Shepard and this is my favorite sequel

Well, I couldn’t even finish watching that trailer. My tendency to eyeroll when characters spout cliches instead of dialog meant my eyeballs rolled right out of my head.

Well, one of them anyway.

Of course, now I long for the days of these benign tropes instead of open world crafting relationship simulators, but whatever.

I feel you.

Quoting myself because I just rewatched the trailer and noticed the big bad is called Archon, lmao.

Oh god.

Maybe I’m just starved for high production value interactive stories, but I’m really looking forward to this.

I would append high production value science fiction that isn’t post apocalyptic personally, but yeah that’s pretty much where my head’s at.

I am looking forward to it purely on the basis that it is called Mass Effect and I liked Mass Effect trilogy. But every trailer they have released to date has underwhelmed me, with this one being the worst yet. Such cliched lines, uninteresting looking NPCs, terrible looking protagonist…
I dunno. I will most likely still buy it and play it, but I will wait for reviews and impressions, not preorder.

I think some of the “underwhelmingness” that people are experiencing is the fact that this is suppose to be a younger, cockier, idealistic group of youngins as opposed to the seasoned, tough as nails soldiers that were the old Mass Effect crew. Further, it is an entirely new cast that people have not grown attached to yet. The change in tone is a bit jarring as the universe isn’t facing impending doom either.

I do agree that the tone that they have verbally described vs. what they are showing us isn’t exactly melding well. It’s being advertised as a fresh, adventure based, “Star Trekian” universe, but the trailers are still presenting it as a small squad vs. big evil bad which we’ve already gone through with Shepherd.

I think it would be a more interesting story if we (humans) were presented as this interloping foreign race who comes in to take land and resources. Doesn’t necessarily need to present humans as evil, but explore the gray line between we want to join this new galaxy, but we also need to take these resources to survive.

Not to say that isn’t what they are doing, but they are not presenting it very well.

Don’t care about the criticism. Banged aliens.

The real question is whether krogan will be romanceable this game ala Iron Bull in DAI.

Four testicles, ya’ll.

Basically middle school kids, then. That might explain it!

So the new Mass Effect is a JRPG?

OK, you’ve mare the first comment to turn me off on this game. Well done.

Heh, well not exactly my intention, although I intended smiles not shivers.

I actually like a few of the JRPG titles, I just don’t know why they’re so often in junior high… then again we struggle enough in other genres to point out the gamers include women and people not in school, so why not have the people who make jrpgs and anime for that matter have the same issue to the extreme.

I am a huge fan of old school Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games - it’s just when JRPGs turned into cutscenes broken up by occasional gameplay that I bailed. And no, that’s not solely the domain of JRPGs, I just think they’re probably the worst offenders. Except maybe Metal Gear but I have little firsthand experience with them.

Perhaps QT3 is filled with curmudgeonly old gamers who prefer their Shepherds to age like a fine wine.

The only, ONLY thing I liked about that bizarre space ninja from ME3 was his constantly giving Shepard shit about his/her advancing age.

On their investor call, EA announced that BioWare is working on a new IP that will launch (maybe) sometime in 2018.

BioWare posted a quick bit about it.

In 2012, we began crafting a new universe full of new characters, stories, and gameplay. Our ambition is simple: Draw upon 20+ years of development knowledge and lessons to create something fun and new for you to enjoy with your friends.

There’s nothing quite as exciting as building a new IP from scratch, and it will be even more thrilling for us to share more with you in the future.[/quote]

According to the call, it’s an “action adventure” game with “deep character development.”

Also, let’s mark this down from the call: