Mass Effect Andromeda - I'm not Commander Shepard and this is my favorite sequel

His delivery is really flat though. I blame his voice director. I won’t send them Twitter death threats though.

Wow, that sucks.

Are there any settings you can fiddle with in the PS4 version maybe? Like if you’re running in HDR, maybe try turning that off, things like that?

Considering the few hours I spent with Dragon Age, this sounds hideously bad.

Feel that the reviews are a bit harsh. Really loving it thus far, quirks and UI aside. This game is absolutely gargantuan though. Easily see a completionist spending more than 100 hours on this, easily.

My thoughts some time after beating the first planet. Obviously could change later in the game.

Not as bad as some people say. Not bad, but not their best, by far.

The squad mates in particular do not feel good. Having played the previous three games, i feel like most of the squad mates in MEA are very shallow copies of the ones from previous games, and not good ones. The squad in MEA just does not compare to any of the previous games. There is not a single squad mate in any mass effect game that i feel is worse than anyone in MEA. Even Kaidan would probably be a king in this game compared to these mediocre excuses for squad mates.

The pathfinder is a spectre but with worse writing/support. It is a spectre wannabe. In general the game lacks the emotional impact of the previous games. It certainly has its moments, but so far none of them are ANYWHERE near the levels of the mass effect trilogy.

It is a little more mobile than previous games, but not that much more (assuming insanity).

Your squad is brain dead. Unless you take tanky squad mates, they just kill themselves and don’t do much damage. Forget about them helping you with combos, they wont. This is not helped by them removing the ability to tell your squad what abilities to use.

Not being class based doesn’t really change much as far as i can tell. Until you get very high level, you’re still going to follow similar skill layouts as the classes from the trilogy (which is not a bad thing).

Customization of squad mates is MINIMAL. You can’t change their equipment from what i can tell and they don’t have enough abilities to really customize them beyond “what do i want to get first”.

Almost all of the UI elements are terrible and make bethesda’s UI design look good.

It is probably my least favorite recent’ish (IE ME series and DA series) bioware game, but it is still fun. I can’t decide whether i like it more than DA2, i think i might actually. Fans of Mass Effect will be disappointed in it greatly simply because it stays in the shadow of its betters, almost like it is encouraging you to make a comparison against them. This is a comparison it will never win.

Still, this game is nowhere near mega disappointments such as FF15 Or Duke Nukem Forever.

He sounds exactly like the guy that voiced X-Rebirth’s main character.

I blame X-Rebirth for it grating on me. :/

[quote=“Murbella, post:1170, topic:76729, full:true”]
It is probably my least favorite recent’ish (IE ME series and DA series) bioware game, but it is still fun. I can’t decide whether i like it more than DA2.[/quote]

Laffo. Consider me discouraged. DA2 is among Biowares worst RPGs. (Like Jade Empire)

Well, i actually really liked Jade Empire personally…

If you ignore their almost criminal reuse of maps (which is not a small thing to ignore i admit), I didn’t feel DA2 was THAT bad.

If nothing else, ME:A really has me wanting to replay the Mass Effect Trilogy.

Reusing maps was the least of the horrible problems I had with DA2. THE VERY LEAST! I could go on but we digress. Just do a topic search.

To each their own. It was my biggest fault with the game personally, even though i wouldnt have liked it anywhere near as much as their other games even without that problem. That is indeed another topic though.

After careful consideration though, i do feel ME:A is better than DA2.

“Show me your wares, pleeease”

Little snowflake, this is a great post. You are the literal definition of why Trump got elected. Keep it up, please.

Technically, you are the literal definition of why Trump got elected.

But perhaps you should take it to P&R, rather than drag it into a thread about a game.

Wow you couldn’t resist could you? Yeah go to P&R and see how far your bullshit gets you.

Speaking of asset re-use, I can’t believe they only used one face for all Asari who wasn’t one of your companions.

Plus the new alien baddies look like Warframe rejects.

The combat seems to be worse than DAI/DA2 even. Sure, it’s a better action romp for the single player.but not being able to pause to generate combos and squaddies having no AI whatsoever worsens things from DA2/DAI/ME2/ME3 even.

On the controller, if you just tap X, you’ll reload. If you hold X, you’ll switch weapons. I never have this problem, so I assume you’re holding the button too long when you just want to reload. ;-)

Nope! I’m loving it. Right now, I feel like this is my favourite in the series, or at worst tied for first place with the original Mass Effect. There’s a certain sense of joy about the whole thing that I feel was missing from Mass Effect 2 and 3 (though they’re excellent games in their own right, I hasten to add). It’s hard to explain.

I also have no trouble with the UI. Doesn’t seem more or less cumbersome than most UIs for these kinds of games. But I never really have much trouble with UIs anyway, so…

The only easily triggered snowflake I see in this thread is you, go back to your safespace at /The_Donald.

Is it coincidence that the Bioware thread draws the Trump trolls?

Anyway… Sara Ryder is growing on me. I still don’t have my ship, I’m still running around the Nexus dealing with the fallout from V’ger. There was some dumb interaction where it said I had to work 587 days before I was eligible for vacation and she goes “Really?!” After that I felt like I could spend 40 hours with this character.

I know you said it was hard to explain, but i have a burning curiosity as to exactly what you think is better in Mass Effect Andromeda compared to #2 or #3. I say this as someone who thought ME2 had too much build up and not enough payoff and ME3 had a terrible ending. ME1 was also probably my favorite.

Ok, so I fixed the crashing issues, basically by rocking the game back and forth until it broke loose.

I ended up loading up an even earlier game, then going and doing OTHER stuff first, and then going back to meet up with the Krogan, and now it seems like things are working again.