Massive explosion in Beirut just now

How can they still “detect the heartbeat” of a possible survivor after a month of searching unless the person has a stash of water and snacks? Well, I hope they get lucky.

Yeah. That’s what we were thinking. You can’t live more than three or four days without water. Three weeks without food. It doesn’t make sense. But like you said, I hope for the best.


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Saw this on reddit, wheat growing outside the explosion site.

Does that mean they were also storing Wheat in that warehouse? Is this the start of a revolutionary new farming technique?

The explosion damaged a grainery.

That was Lebanon’s main granary. They import a lot of their wheat. It was right next to the blast, but it built out of concrete and survived the blast. Mostly. But a lot of grain inside was blown out and distributed.

The warehouse was full of frickin’ ammonia fertilizer.

The vegetarian equivalent of fishing with dynamite, perhaps?

For certain values of survived.

All that pic needs is Russell Crowe’s outstretched hands running lightly through the grains.

And that music. That music.

It’s still standing!

They build those things tough.


So were the flowers.

Grain elevators exploding are not an uncommon thing. But they usually explode from the inside.

I recognize that grain elevator from too many hours of Red Orchestra.

I haven’t really been following Lebanese political/economic news recently, so this blew my mind, and not in a good way:

While that looks alarming, how much of that is COVID related, given the inflection point on that graph? It would be good to see some other countries in the region on that graph.

Even if it were mostly COVID related*, a 70%+ single-year drop in GDP, along with continued decline the following year, would be an enormous outlier. I think the biggest drop in Europe was around 11% (though it’s not entirely a like-for-like comparison given the currency situation).

Why is this still a thing? It manages to make less sense than usual.