Max Payne 2 announced

Rockstar Games on Monday announced Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. The PC shooter is being developed by Remedy Entertainment and is expected to hit retail shelves this fall. No additional information was made available.

This fall? Considering how long the first one took to make I wouldn’t hold my breath.

On the other hand. The PC needs as many heavy hitters as it can get.

Haha, man, I like just read that on Yahoo. Not sure how excited I really am about it though.

One thing I did notice is that Hidden & Dangerous 2 is still in the works. Geez, talk about taking forever. I mean, I’m down with support the Czechs, and I loved H&D1 to bits, but does anyone care anymore?

I think Remedy gets some major cash bonus if they hit their date. I doubt it will be late.

But will Max Payne have his constipation problem remedied by then…

Max Payne’s Kung Fu mod out-Matrixes the Matrix.

I’m not real clear on the star of this game. Is it Max Payne?

Is this new-style marketing? “How many times can we mention our franchise in the title.” I expect Nintendo to make “Super Mario MarioLand” and maybe EA Sports can rename Madden to “John Madden’s Madden NFL 2004, presented by John Madden.”

Max Payne’s Max Payne: The Fall of Max Payne, Max Payne of the Year Edition?

Max Payne’s Max Payne: The Fall of Max Payne, Max Payne of the Year Edition?[/quote]
Max Payne presents a Max Payne production, featuring Max Payne in Max Payne: The Fall of Max Payne, Max Payne of the Year Edition. Feel the Payne.

“Max Payne presents a Max Payne production, featuring Max Payne in Max Payne: The Fall of Max Payne, Max Payne of the Year Edition. Feel the Payne.”

… to the Max.

Is this new-style marketing? “How many times can we mention our franchise in the title.” I expect Nintendo to make “Super Mario MarioLand”

How about “Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2”?

/me laughing so hard that Del Taco is spraying out, in a fine mist, over my desk area.

Hopefully Max Payne 2 doesn’t suck as bad as the first one did.

Folks, we have someone guilty of sacrilege here. Appropriate punishment…I don’t know, lock him in a room and force him to play Daikatana and Mortyr, alternately?

Heh. I liked Max Payne well enough, but the one thing that I didn’t like is a moderately-sized gripe on my part: the scaling difficulty. What the fuck was up with that? Why did they even bother giving you difficulty options? As far as I could tell your options were “insane / insane / insane / impossible / impossible with a time limit”.

So you’re playing for a little while. You make it through a few rooms pretty handily. The game then decides that you’re ub3rl33+, even on “easy” difficulty. Thus when you enter the next room, BAM BAM you take about 30 shots right between the damn eyes and have to reload. You go back into that room, BAM BAM reload. Lather/rinse/repeat a couple more times. The game then decides that HUH! Maybe you’re NOT all that incredibly skilled after all! So it tones down the difficulty to a reasonable level. Now you can make it through a few more rooms. At which point the game’s short-term memory causes it to then say “WHOA! Why the heck did this guy pick Easy difficulty? Verily, he is a GOD at this game!” Then it’s BAM BAM reload BAM BAM reload BAM BAM OKAY SCREW THIS BACK TO DEUS EX.

Granted, that was alleviated somewhat by the quickload times - hell, it should have been called ‘instantaneous load’. I don’t know how Remedy pulled that off, but it was an absolutely genius touch on their part to handle the load times so well. I just wish I didn’t have to rely on the quickload so friggin’ much.

Honestly, can anyone beat Max Payne on any difficulty level without dying once? Heck, without dying at least once per level?

I’ll be happy if they manage to stay away from the balancing beam level. What was that all about, anyway? It was a great cinematic, the baby crying tugged at your heartstrings, and then you just wandered around on beams in the dark until you stumbled upon the exit. The baby crying became more annoying than emotional.

I didn’t use “bullet-time” at all, iirc.

Regarding the game’s lame title…

Blame Take-Two (a.k.a. Rockstar). Remedy and 3D Realms had named the game “The Fall of Max Payne.” That’s was it. No lame sequel number. Not too long. No colon. But, Take-Two, having bought the IP last year, now gets to make the final call on these matters, and their marketing department, I guess, believed that “The Fall of Max Payne” wouldn’t quite get the message across, and so they prefixed “Max Payne 2:” to the title. Remedy and 3D Realms argued against this, but it’s not our call anymore.

The end result is another oh-so-typical, very lame, and overly long, game title.

Scott Miller, 3DR

How are they going to fit three Max Paynes in the title with the next game?

Max Payne 3: Max Payne vs. Max Payne’s Clone!

Ok…there you go, the marketers have it covered now. ;)


“I will call him… Mini-Max.”

Honestly, can anyone beat Max Payne on any difficulty level without dying once? Heck, without dying at least once per level?[/quote]

I am pretty sure I can beat a level of it without dying. I doubt I could beat the entire game without dying, those end level guys up on the damned balconies made that almost impossible.

– Xaroc