Mayor of Toronto on the Way Out

This has turned into general Canada thread, so I’m going to put this here.

SCC ruled on Bedford, striking down Canada’s criminal prostitution laws, but suspending the judgment for one year to give government a chance to respond (seems unlikely to me but who knows!). The decision was unanimous.

You are simply expressing your substantial ideological bias in your opinion of Trudeau. His youth and popularity are assets, and though, like you, the Conservatives will try to use those as weapons against him (lacking any meaningful angle of attack btw), they will remain assets. Your assessment of his experience or ability to lead a national organization is fairly immaterial; he has the confidence of the Liberal party organization, so they certainly seem to think he is up to the task.

Your surgeon analogy is amusing, considering Harper would be a snake-oil quack who’d happily sell your body parts to China.

There is actually very sound basis for knowing how disastrous a liberal, let alone NDP, government would have handled the last decade, because we know what their policies are and the resulting effects. We have a perfect example of it south of the border, where such policies turned a significant recession into a prolonged economic malaise and created (or magnified) problems that will endure for generations.

If the Tea Party had their way the US would be in a deep depression and we’d be pulled down with them. The Republicans have done their best to sabotage the recovery out of spite. That you think the Republicans would have done a better job is laughable, and that is ignoring the fact the even the Democrats are more economically right wing than Canadian Conservatives on most issues.

That’s nonsense, of course - they had a very good plan for the financial crisis

Oh yeah of course they did. If only we had seen it in action what a wonderful world we’d be in. Naturally we’d all have pet unicorns and leperchauns would do all our hard work for us.

Oh wait no, their plan was to do nothing, and we’d have been fucked. Well I am sure Harper and his buddies would have turned a nice profit, but that’s been the Conservatives prime agenda all along; line the pockets of their buddies.

Good stuff, and about time. It’s been largely decriminalized these days, except for these weird ridiculous operations that Toronto vice occasionally runs. Not as if they have anything else to do, since Toronto police haven’t caught a criminal who wasn’t related to the victim since about 1955.

There is a Canadian Politics thread.

In any case, this seems like a reasonable ruling. Prostitution is legal in Canada, but pretty much everything around it was illegal. This ruling really put the back into the government’s court. Let’s see if anything actually happens.

So a brain surgeon who has never operated-- Hell, never even put on a band-aid – is the kind of brain surgeon we need, eh. You want your next carpenter to be someone who never touched a tool before. The next concert band you go to see to be comprised of kids who have never owned an instrument. The next lawyer to effect your house sale should be someone who normally works at Starbucks. The next accountant to do your taxes should be someone who has never used a calculator. The next meal you have catered for your dinner party should be prepared by a 4 year old who you’ve given an easy bake oven. The next fireman who arrives to save your house should be the guy who sells second hand skateboards. The next company you invest in should appoint as its CEO the dude who was a fun social convener at your high school.

Just fucking baffling how people like you seem to have no idea that the prerequisite qualifications for a responsible executive position of a massive undertaking might involve something beyond goodwill, or “popularity” “gave a good speech on seals” “was a good DJ” – it’s just stunning, really.

If the Tea Party had their way the US would be in a deep depression and we’d be pulled down with them. The Republicans have done their best to sabotage the recovery out of spite. That you think the Republicans would have done a better job is laughable, and that is ignoring the fact the even the Democrats are more economically right wing than Canadian Conservatives on most issues.

Oh, Jesus. None of that is true or germane, so let’s leave it at that before digging further into your mental cesspool that spawned the rest of your post.

Never argue with an ideological zealot in a burning building, as they say. I’m out!

Let’s get back to how Rob Ford is the pinnacle of the modern Conservative movement!

what’s amusing is that we both self-identify as small-l liberals who are centrists. Um, yeah.

Well I am sure we both believe in the free market and fundamental human rights and freedoms, and even the responsibility of the state to it’s constituents.

Hmm, so this has the words bed and ford in it, and it’s about prostitution. Unfortunately I’m very good at making pictures in my head.

To add to your image, she’s an infamous dominatrix who specializes in spanking

Gee saying “bitches want money” is not a stretch when it’s been established that the dumbass is an angry alcoholic with a potty mouth who buys drugs, consumes drugs and hangs out with the gangsters.

Every time I see the title of this thread I think, “Man he must’ve gotten lost on his way to the exit.”

I find that this thread is best read to the sound of a flushing toilet.

Which I guess is why I’m a conservative skewing left because our current Conservatives are anything but. Screw the Free Market. Screw individual fundamental human rights if all they do is to weaken the State (eg. Gimme Tax Cut). And what about the responsibility of the constituents to the State?

That responsibility is a philosophical cornerstone of fascism.

So the worst of all worlds. Tyranny and subjugation. Congratulations, you lionize pure evil.

Eh? They’re hard right, quite similar to elements of the Republicans - all “For The Children” on moral issues and their fiscal policies bear a strong resemblance to the Tea Parties (!) (Wages are still falling by over 1% per year in real terms…)

They’re far to the right of, say, Thatcher. She pushed poor people onto the disabled rolls when the recession her policies generated came. The modern Tories? Are pruning the disabled rolls… (There’s been incidents of people who have been refused Jobseekers allowance because they obviously are too sick to work, who have been denied disability benefits as “fully fit to work”. I am sadly, not kidding…

i.e. Claimants not eligible for ESA or JSA - a Freedom of Information request to Department for Work and Pensions - WhatDoTheyKnow )

(Also, look who they sit with in the EU Parliament, not the huge, moderate-right EPP which has members from every other EU’s state’s right, but the far smaller ECR (which they dominate), along with some quite nasty small parties from other EU countries. Oh, and the UK’s even further right UKIP sit in the even further right and even smaller openly anti-EU EDF, which they also dominate, and which is downright islamophobic)

Reporters’ unanswered questions they would ask Rob

I love #29

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