McCain's messaging problem

And to “reach across the aisle”, he needs to go stump for his opponents in person? Help me out, NoWay, I’m just trying to figure out what imaginary bar you’ve set for Obama he’s failed to clear today.

I’m not suggesting he step on anyone (though I’d say it’d be nice if Pelosi got out of the way right about now). I’m just saying everyone’s saying we’re facing the worst crisis of the millenium so far and sitting in Ohio making calls makes it seem like he’s not all that concerned about it. I’d like him to be in Washington right now, using his legendary rhetorical skills to explain the bailout plan and why it’s needed (or not needed, I honestly don’t know if he’s for it at this point) in language simple enough for people who don’t read blogs all day to understand. There’s an idea he can run with! Go, Obama!

Let me help you out! I can’t wait!!! Ready?

Mine was just one suggestion (but I’m not the first to make it). And I’m not saying he has to go out and stump for opponents, just offer to explain to the country why a vote for the bailout is necessary, even from republicans. McCain should be doing the same thing for the dems. They’re both saying it’s a bipartisan issue (out of one side(s?) of their mouth(s?)) while saying the other side isn’t helping our of the other side(s?). But hey, as long as they can both spin it the right way I guess it doesn’t really matter if nothing gets done.

[URL=“”]McCain and his surrogates take credit for the bill!

Taste the Irony.

Actually, you did:

He should be calling all GOP incumbents in tough races and telling them he will provide cover for them if they vote for the bailout, standing up in front of their constituents and telling them their candidates acted bravely in the best interest of the country.

So just explaining isn’t enough for the NoWay of about three posts ago. That one wanted Obama to jet around the country to “provide cover” for his opponents during what is still supposed to be a campaign.

So the constituents of the congressmen he’d be talking to don’t live in this country? WHY ARE THEY IN WASHINGTON (alert the press)?

Seriously, dude. Come on, man. COME ON.

Why are you asking me?

Hey, can you give us a sneak peek at what Obama is supposed to do tomorrow? “Obama still hasn’t given a single backrub to a Republican Senator? Doesn’t he understand that leadership means giving backrubs?”

Well, I can see you’re not interested in seriously discussing this issue so I think we should just stop. You’re welcome!

Hmm, I wonder why that keeps happening to you.


I agree with that sentiment pretty much 100% of the time.