Mechwarrior Mercenaries 5: Single player inside!

I read it’s for 4, but can you do it with 2 and the other two are like AI controlled?

You can!

I’m having a good time with it so far. The AI really doesn’t seem that bad tbh.

If I have a complaint it’s the non mech combat “wrapper” I’m not sure I really need to literally walk around the dropship … and the plot and voice acting is much more MW4 than MW3. It’s serviceable though but they didn’t take any chances there.

Is this… a negative?

One of my favorite voice acting in all of gaming was the Solaris commentator in MW4: Mercs. I loved hearing his comments about this no-name pilot Spectre as he rose through the Solaris ranks, and how he chatted about other the comings and goings of all of the famous pilots in the arena. So many good memories.

Oh… is it too much to hope for Solaris tournaments in MW5? I think it served as a really good break between the more serious lance-based missions in the previous game.

Oooooooh yes. The voice acting in MW3 was excellent. MW4 had full motion video actors and they were all terrible.

(I never played MW4: Mercs because of how terrible MW4 was, so I’m not familiar with the voice acting in that one).

Honestly this is a pretty great experience overall if you love Mercenaries-flavoured Mechwarrior… I am a happy camper! Going to try co-op tonight.

Here we go again… the tutorial fails to answer some very basic questions:

  1. The first mech has 2 or 4 lasers? The graph shows 4 but I can only fire 1 and 2 (LMB and RMB)
  2. If 4 exist, then how do I fire 3 and 4? (the number keys don’t seem to do anything)
  3. Is there a map? On the 1st mission there is an optional task of blowing up a weapons depot but the problem is I couldn’t find it and I spent a good amount of time just wandering around and finally gave up.

Also tip for newbies: Space is JUMPJET. I discovered this about halfway thru my 1st mission.

This might be the wrong thread, but why is Epic Games Store so slow to download things? I am getting max 50% of my speed in steam, and it also bounces around from 0 to that ceiling for no apparent reason at all.

I’m going to play the hell out of this in a year.

It has 4 lasers organized in 2 groups of 2, LMB fring your left side lasers and RMB firing your right side lasers.

You can reorganize these weapons on the little gird on the bottom right which lists your weapons and what groups from 1 to 6 that they are assigned. You can navigate the grid with the arrow keys and and or remove weapons from a group with right ctrl

I beleive B (battlegrid) will give you a map where you will see your waypoints. The optional task is not marked with a waypoint its just a target of opportunity but it is a structure that is basically on the way to exfiltration point (its a small walled enclosure with a radar dish defended by two J. Edgars).

I’m impressed with the sound design. The sound effect of ballistics passing close by is a nice touch and the weapons feel meaty and the feedback is pretty great. Also the environments are muuuch more detailed and interactive than MWO. So far I am really digging the sense of immersion, I can only imagine how awesome this would be in VR.

How’s the mercenary/management side of it?

How does the coop work with the larger campaign game? Or is it just quick action?

Looking at the manual I notice that there is no flush coolant. Was that a purely Mechwarrior 4 thing? It might seem like a bit of a cheat to be able to quickly decrease the heat of the mech, but since it had a very limited amount per mission I found it to be part of the tactics to know the right time to use some coolant.

Watching Burke Black and some others squad streaming this. It looks like it might be fun.

You can co-op the campaign. Only the host gets progression though. The other people are basically taking the place of the AI pilots.

Pretty good so far. Your reputation with an employer lets you modify your contracts to get better share of salvage, better payout, and/or better damage insurance (basically damage insurance is money that gets paid to you only for repairs).

The format is quite similar to the HBS Battletech game but with a little more detail; trying to refit your mechs in a warzone is costlier and longer, for example, so if you need to make big changes generally you want to go to an industrial hub.

Salvage is very important, both for improving the loadout of your own mechs, acquiring new mechs, and additional income from selling equipment. It feels like heavier mechs hit the market pretty quick so you can try different strategies like putting all your eggs in a couple of heavier mechs or more mediums/lights (e.g. 12 missions in I could have afforded a Jagermech by selling everything but my centurion)

The starmap has pretty good info at a glance, you can see what missions are available in nearby systems or if there is a rare mech for sale or a special mission.

What do they do during the interstitial stuff? Like rebuilding mechs and the like?


I mean Battletech is literally a turn based strategy game. Most folks who play it don’t play with custom mechs.

At higher levels of play, mechwarrior absolutely involved significant tactical decision-making.

Or when you say Battletech are you referring to this specific mechwarrior game?

I know it’s cool to complain about AI but IMO after about 20 missions or so, it seems pretty reasonable here. It moves, it shoots, it uses all types of weapons available, it moves to get to the optimal range, it tries to not expose theirs backs and tries to get to enemies’ backs. It uses LMRs better than I do. Pesky little light mechs are a bitch to kill because they move and shoot so much.

You have some basic options to control your AI pilots (all or individually) - shoot my target, line on me, go there, stop firing and they do listen to you.

On a very rare occasion, I’ve seen them getting stuck in a difficult terrain for some time but most of the time they figured their way out of it. Or you can re-issue an order to get them unstuck.

Left to their own, they don’t just sit there - they pick targets, move and shoot on their own.

Enemy AI doesn’t just concentrate fire on you or the most damaged ally, etc., they switch targets, probably based on aggro but it feels natural.

I am pretty impressed with AI so far but I wasn’t expecting it to do anything brilliant like sitting in an ambush behind a building waiting for the enemy to turn their back on them. :)

The biggest issue I saw from earlier videos was:

  1. The AI didn’t seem to aggro you at all until you shot them… although this seems like an easy fix. But this is why Beef was able to just headshot everything so easily without taking much damage. I’m assuming this has already been addressed.

  2. They didn’t seem to really use the terrain tactically at all. There wasn’t a lot of use of cover. This is fixable, although it’s harder to do.