Mechwarrior Mercenaries 5: Single player inside!

Me personally? Maybe I do. But that’s a bit different, isn’t it? Can’t really compare the two.

Is it?

I mean, it’s a game you aren’t interested in playing, so i guess that makes it different. But other folks are interested in playing it. It’s got tons of active users.

But it’s weird that in this forum, no one who posts on that thread any more is actually anyone interested in the game from anything approaching a positive viewpoint. Why do you think that is? That in this community of a bunch of gamers, that no one here crosses over into star citizen’s community?

Because that ain’t it, dude.

Au contraire, mon ami. I am very interested in playing a complete version of the game. I was in the first free play. My computer at the time showed me a slide show. Then I had a better system and played in the second free play. It was better, not great. I have been following it, and occasionally being an asshole… but I wish only good. I want to play the game. Really.

Have you been in the thread lately? There are a few people that are reasonable about it. And I am interested in their opinions.

I also disagree with this. Strongly. Do you really believe that?

No, it’s definitely not why no one who actually plays the game posts in that thread.

People who actually play the game don’t post in that thread because the thread is insanely toxic. It’s easily one of the most toxic threads on the entire forum, ever.

So, just to be clear, I would not choose to make this thread into that one, even though i am skeptical of PGI.

I’m willing to drop it. Still love you man. :)

My last word on the subject of MWO because MW5 is really a very different game both in look and feel.

Of all the the things you could have complained about with PGI you decided to pick two untrue things. Like I said I’m not saying they didn’t fuck up on the reg to the point that I stopped giving them any money, but these specific criticisms you level against them are simply not technically believable; I mean they added a whole slew of LB-X weapons to the game and they never added ammo switching.

Unsupported assertions are just that, and are of no more consequence than any other conspiracy theory.

Like i said dude, i know for a fact that stuff is true. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not.

But again, I don’t want to tell you not to like MW5, or hell, even MWO. If you like it, that’s all that matters, because it’s a game.

But I ain’t lying.

lol ok i just need to believe it citing sources is for loooosers man

no worries i know how the tinfoil hat crowd gets, it’s a source of great amusement

Like i said man, you don’t need to believe me. And I’m not gonna go dig through archives from years ago to try and find where PGI talked about stuff like ammo switching.

And hey, if PGI does an awesome job coding up this game, then none of my beliefs about them are going to matter anyway, right?

My problem with MWO is that it was multiplayer… You can’t pilot a mech with a joystick when everyone else is headshotting with a mouse.

I’ve been looking forward to another Mechwarrior game, especially a Mercenaries game for a long time and I know I’m not alone.

And I’m looking forward to a singleplayer mech game where balance and all that shite is irrelevant and its all about the stomping. I liked the way MWO looked and moved, just was burned out on world of tanks. Err world of mechs.

Amen to this. I am pretty much ambivalent about how the AI as long as the overall feel is similar to MW4.

This is where I’m at as well, except with MW3 instead of MW4. I didn’t enjoy MW4 (I never tried MW4: Mercenaries). The campaign was super-cheesy, and I hated that hitting Mech’s legs was no longer a viable option for bringing them down. I mean, I realize that all I did in MW3 was go for the legs, and so it makes sense that they made the legs the strongest part of a Mech in MW4, but going after other body parts was not as fun as going for the legs in MW3.

Most of all though, MW3 really hit it out of the park with their campaign. It was super low-rent. You could tell they didn’t have a huge budget. They didn’t do motion capture or have human models that spouted lines. It was all done over voice-coms, so they only had to hire 3 or 4 voice actors for the whole thing. But they used that to tell a great yarn. I loved being part of a strike force that’s separated from the rest of his crew, possibly the only one left on a hostile planet that I was meant to invade. Slowly coming across one then two, then three friendlies, and going after major important installations on the planet. I loved it. Also, I love the way you start off in the water in a little sleepy seaside town. And all the local town can do is send a few tanks and troops your way, who you basically swat to the side as you come out of the water and leave town. Great stuff. At the same time they made you feel vulnerable (you’re the only one left on a whole hostile PLANET), and powerful (puny tanks are no match for your Mech).

I can’t wait for this to be released. 12-10, right?

MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries

Releases December 10th 2019


MW3 is amazing for all the reasons that you said and that they were able to create such an air verisimilitude with some great voice acting and the drone footage and maps giving you an great sense of place and the buildup was really masterful.

I don’t really expect that from a mercenaries game however and that MW3 vibe never got recaptured. I think it would require a subtlety that PGI doesn’t have. Hope springs eternal though!

I watched a YouTube video of a guy playing a mission. It was pretty good looking; the 'Mechlab was clunky as the guy noted, and there were some balance things here and there, but in terms of the action it seems really solid. I will be very interested to see how much progression/story/decision stuff they get in. I’m hoping it will be more than just a single-player MWO, and more along the lines of the other solo MW games. I don’t know the experience or skill level of PGI in doing games like that, so we’ll see.

Hard to believe this game is actually coming out after so many years of false promises.

From what I’ve seen, it looks pretty good overall. Except why does launching a missile array look like shooting a volley of fireballs? One of my favorite aspects of previous games was watching 40 missiles individually criss-crossing their way to the target with smoke and flame trailing behind. This version seems really low-effort for current year.