Médecine Politique: A Qt3 Empires in Arms PBF Game

B. The Declarations of War Step.

The Sublime Porte (@Panzeh) Declares War on Egypt and loses one Political Point.

“No doubt the Grand Vizier, in his wisdom, realizes that this ungodly disorder in Misr cannot be allowed to continue.”

Ismail Cenaze, Kolağası (Senior Captain) in the Nizam-ı Cedid Artillery, Letter to His Father in Anapa, January 2, 1805.

Austria (@Matt_W) Declares War on Bavaria and loses one Political Point.

“The Elector of Bavaria, according to a merchant from Salzburg, has been meeting with French officials in secret.”

Monsignor Father Manfred Kreuger , Letter to the Bishop of the Palatinate, January 4, 1805.

Spain (@Mark_Weston) Declares War on Morocco and loses one Political Point.

“My dear, Uncle Joaquin has secured me a position as a Cantinero with his Army on the Portuguese border but do not worry; the depredations of the infidel Barbary Pirates looks to be left to the Army of Andalusia.”

Kevin Blake: Merchant and Wine Import/Exporter, Sutler to the Army of Extremadura , Letter to his Wife, January 7, 1805.

No Other Declarations of War.

C. The Call to Allies Step.

This Step does not occur this Month.

D. The Peace Step.

Prussia (@Cuthbert), Austria (@Matt_W), Great Britain (@Kolbex ), L’Empereur (@Juan_Raigada ); Do any of you offer Surrender to any or all Major Powers you are at War with? Answer Yes or No here in-thread


L’ambassadeur de l’exposition