My experience with GTA3, Stage 1:
GeForce 3 Ti/somethingorotherblahblahblahcunt
550mhz P3
FUCKEROIDS. Damn thing is crashing constantly before even loading the main menu. Hard crashes requiring a cold reboot. BITTER. Holy shit, I’ve made it to the main menu! Me = :) Start a new game! Well, at least it ran for about twenty seconds before it crashed. Me = :cry: Okay, done wiping tears, now updating drivers like mad, pleading for a patch, retrying constantly. Hey, I managed to get past loading screen again, maybe I’d bette rcheck out the options menu! WTF is this Miles Sound System shit? Standard DirectX sound, please.
My experience with GTA3, Stage 2:
OH GOD YES YES YES. No crashes. Load times are divided by 5,000,000. Framerate consistently hovering around 25-30. This game is so amazingly lovely and fun and rapture-inducing. Whoops, nasty amonts of stuttering when I switch from one island to another due to hard drive swapping. Hmm, probably a result of having only 128MB RAM? Still, WHO CARES, it 0wnz. I just need to upgrade some day.
My experience with GTA3, Stage 3:
384MB RAM. I wonder if GTA3 will run better? FUCKONIA. The damn thing once again has decided that it should default to Miles Sound System. Me = :( , then :x Much pain ensues until I’m able to change it. I do so. Start a new game, and… OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD. Brilliantly smooth. I’m in looooooove.
My experience with GTA:VC, Stage 1:
VC doesn’t somehow get it in its head that I want anything to do with the Miles Sound System. Game = pure bliss. I daresay the framerates are slightly BETTER. I HEART Rockstar oh so much. Adios to my vastly inferior PS2 copy of the game.
Conclusion: I’m hazarding a guess that GTA:VC is a noticably higher-quality port than GTA3. I’m also aware that my personal experience doesn’t amount to much in the larger scheme of things (although I’m hardly the only person offering testimonial along these lines, that GTA:VC is a definite improvement). I’m just saying.