Memorable gaming moments (that are interesting)...

I have heard a lot of good things about memorable moments for Dark Souls. It seems like the kind of thing gamers might talk about around a campfire on a beach somewhere, enjoying nature while basking in the glow of one of their favorite hobbies, with S’mores of course.

The first time I found out that I could get other species to vote for me in the council of the original master of orion, I just laughed and laughed. I had played the game for a good long time and it never occurred to me that you could win by cooperating with them.

Join the circle! (I’d start with 3 though).

In Rome total war, I was attacked by a much superior army. There seemed like there was no way to win. However, On the map, I noticed a small hill that had cliffs on 3 sides leaving only one way to get up the hill. It was there I made my last stand. I had all my infantry block it, with my archers trapped behind them. I had my cavalry as far away and out of site as possible.

The enemy came, and began beating on my iron wall of men while my archers rained death down upon them. At times I would bring in my cavalry to harass the enemy archers and other weak troops, but most they just ran way if attacked. The battle took about 45 minutes, but eventually I actually won with minimal losses. After the battle there was a special marker put on the map as a legendary battle had taken place there.

My son (13) and I played the latest God of War at the same time. It was interesting to see the Father/Son relationship portrayed in the game and how we interpreted their actions. He’d point out that Kratos is acting like a jerk and I’d be thinking, he’s just trying to keep his kid safe.

It also led to me saying things like, “Boy. Feed the cats!” or “Boy. Take out the trash!” for about a month. Good times.

That’s a cool little feature.

I decided to use my necromancer powers today. Riiiiiiise!

We live again ! I was just thinking about this type of thread and here we are. What I like and remember most and vividly is when gaming mixes in directly with real life.

Pretty sure my first post here was about the “Gidget Incident “. There I was playing Clive Barker’s Undying, in the dark in my basement. Whatever those things were outside the mansion on the moors, they were howling. I had only a revolver with a few bullets in one hand and some kind of powers in my other hand that I didn’t grok how to use.

And then, in the dark, our cat Gidget reaches out from behind me from the sofa she’s on and taps me gently on my left shoulder.

Yes I screamed like a small child and rocketed out of my chair but I didn’t hit the ceiling. RIP Gidget who clearly used up one of her 9 lives so I could remember this forever.

No game, for me, has ever come close to the big twist of Starflight. It was delivered so subtly too. I just saw there with my jaw agape for minutes.

Same thoughts on Starflight for me. And didn’t it have a time limit? I think I hit that the first time I played. I guess I liked the game because I went at it again and finished.

Before that, being sucked into the whirlpool in Ultima 3. I had spent much of the game avoiding it because I assumed it meant death. No wonder I wasn’t progressing. I don’t remember much of my olden gaming days but I remember being in my grad lab at 2 am when it happened and being freaked out.

More (relatively) recently, the Battle of Pelennor Fields in LOTRO. It was all smoke-and-mirrors, and there was no real risk of failing, but I wasn’t sure of that the first time and it was well done.

It did, yeah. It was pretty generous but you could totally run out of time when Arth’s star went nova.