Merry Christmas 2017

Tonight we learned that Alexa speaks Klingon. Ask her how to say something in Klingon.

Also, here I am in a thirty year old ornament.

Yeah, he puts up with us. We didn’t keep that on him very long.

That’s wonderful.

Thanks. I think he might belong to someone already, but he’s with me for the moment anyway. Took a quick pic:

He was hungry. The food dish (under the fan) is completely empty. He just ate an entire can of cat food.

Stuff like this cheers me up greatly! Congrats. Tucker looks awesome!

A couple more from tonight. The girls have decided they are sleeping by the tree in order to catch Santa.

Nice trees!

Happy Holidays to all!

Hope you eat lots of delicious food, drink tasty brews and enjoy the time with your families!

Crappy iPhone shot of the tree before presents. Partial game collection included by default due to location in the room. Better shots later. I’m dead, but Santa has arrived! Six hours til the boys come wake me… Happy Holidays everyone!

Here’s our 3 foot Christmas Tree and cat :)

@Timex - can’t believe you could get that tree through the door! LOL

@Giles_Habibula Sending hugs your way

Happy Christmas everybody. Here is my treat. (oh TREE, nevermind)

🎅 Santa most certainly would not have used a lot of gift bags because he’s tired of wrapping presents. There must be some other explanation…

I don’t have a Christmas tree to show, but I got this girl a bunny suit to disguise herself in and she went on a successful hunting trip. Best present ever.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Happy Excess Parties :*)

Merry Christmas.

Out of the country this year, but my dad sneakily sent me Christmas flowers to my hotel.

Merry Xmas to all Qt3erz from Saint (haardehaar) Nixxter!

For the Horde!

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous New Year.

Merry Christmas QT3