Michael Phelps' Letter to America

Okay, not really, but it should have been:

Yeah, you go Phelps! Seriously, who gives a shit?

This is your brain:

This is your brain on drugs:

Being a mutli-gold medal winner means that he needs to keep a squeaky clean image to cash in on his endorsement opportunities. Marijuana isn’t a performance enhancing drug so it’s not really relevant to him as an athlete. If he were a snowboarder, marijuana would raise a single eyebrow. See Ross Rebagliati.

Did anyone honestly look at the guy, or listen to him speak, and think he didn’t smoke weed?

pot smokers are losers.

They sure can swim good, though. Part of it’s all the practice holding their breath.

But they sure can capitalize!

If you don’t care so much, why do you keep posting in this thread?

It sucks that he has to apologize for it. Nobody would care if he was caught drinking a few beers at a party. The letter posted here is pretty over the top, because kids look up to him and I wouldn’t want him to just go around flaunting the fact that he loves to smoke weed. I do wish he could send a more honest message about it, though, and talk about how there’s nothing inherently bad about smoking pot as long as you’re responsible enough about it.

My problem with the letter posted at the top was the repeated use of the term ‘dope’. Do people still call it that?

Ok, I don’t really care about this one way or the other but maybe it’s because smoking weed is illegal and having a few beers at a party when you are above legal drinking are isn’t?

I’m annoyed at the outrage. I’m annoyed at the tabloids for trying to ruin him. It’s not like he was taking HGH, he was smoking weed. He probably had a beer too, and pre-marital sex. Leave him alone.

I know WHY people care more that he was smoking weed, I’m just expressing that it’s stupid that it needs to be this way. I wonder how many people actually believe that smoking weed is worse for your health than getting drunk?

He did get caught for underage drinking before the last Olympics and made a similar apology. Whatever, boys will be boys, I say. I think his money situation is alright, so his endorsement image can suffer.

Dear America:

Please get over yourself.

The Rest of the World.

This thread sucks until someone posts existing endorsement images with great photoshops of him smoking.

Yeah, cos the Rest of the World is so much more enlightened about marijuana.

addicts trying to justify their addiction is quaint. “no, it doesn’t cause impairment and we should be able to drive!”

suck it up, it’s not legal here in north america.

I already suck it up. Yay Canada!

No, I’m talking more about the retarded obsession with the personal lives of celebrities / important people.