Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight

Woah, being able to look below you without switching to external camera? That one is going to be awesome in VR I bet.


Was that not the one the police were going to use as an alternative to helicoptersā€¦ until some early crash.

So there really isnā€™t a way to refuel in this game, except to assign a key to repair and refuel and press that button, correct? Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m missing something in the interface when Iā€™m at a landing strip, maybe I can legit refuel somehow?

Anyway, I forgot to use the key on Leg 17 or 18 last night, so I ran out of fuel mid-flight. Whatā€™s funny is that I pressed the button then (I assigned it to Ctrl+R) and my plane sputtered back on, and I got to my destination and landed, but the game immediately put up a dialog box saying I ran out of fuel and couldnā€™t reach my destination. Heh.

If the airport youā€™re at allows it, you can request a refuel from ground services via ATC. A lot of the bush trip ones donā€™t have it though.

In those instances, is that a button on the interface somewhere? How do you request something from ATC?

In the in-game menu bar, the icon with the tower.

And bear in mind that the fuel truck takes ages to reach you usually. So at first it may seem like nothing is happening. Try using the drone cam to float above the airport and see if you can spot it making its way to you. One more thing: Iā€™ve found it to be quite buggy, in that it wonā€™t always ā€œconnectā€ with you. Youā€™ll know itā€™s worked because the fuel and weights page will appear.

Honestly, this is one realism I can live without. I just use the insta-refuel binding wherever I land. It doesnā€™t affect bush trip achievements if you care about that.

Not the best lighting conditions, nor the best plane to do this in, but:

Really want to try to recreate this photo:

Canā€™t quite get the cloud layer low enough or thick enough, but I havenā€™t really played around much with the weather before so I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing:

Did another leg of the Breckenridge bush trip last night. I absolutely love the greenery and lush vegetation mixed into the landscape now, itā€™s so different from most of this trip.

Also, why is it so thrilling to see a road or a railway line? Iā€™m not sure what the explanation is. Maybe seeing that this particular scenery can be reached by road one day if I go on a roadtrip to this area? Or maybe just that seeing pure scenery doesnā€™t feel as real without some evidence of human civilization also mixed in? Iā€™m not sure. But I always feel a little thrill when I spot a road or rail line winding itā€™s way through hills, or carving through countryside.

When I was doing the Breckenridge trip, it was because I had something to follow and couldnā€™t fuck up.

Another leg of the Brekenridge trip, and itā€™s just so gorgeous now. This time I landed at a huge proper airport! The next leg is called Lake Tahoe, so Iā€™m guessing this huge airport and town are here because itā€™s close to Lake Tahoe.

There was a 1GB update to the game today btw.

And meanwhile my trip across Russia continues, itā€™s so cool to have found a railway line thatā€™s going in the right direction again that I can follow.

I even ran into a large town and a huge river, and the railway line suddenly veered to the South to go through the town and across the river, and then turned back towards the East on the other side of the river.

So yesterday I decided Iā€™d challenge myself by taking off from the destination in the current landing challenge, LFPS Notre dame de la Salette. Takeoff was really challenging in the Jabiru J160 ā€“ I actually had to pushback farther up the hill to succeed. It was stupid-easy in the Savage Grravel, but thatā€™s not a plane to use when you want to challenge yourself to anything except maybe landing in a 50-foot open space.

Little did I know what challenge awaited me. I looked at the map for the closest destination airport and found LF79 Mont Aiguille. So took off, admired the beautiful valley and towns below, and flew towards LF79.

I see that Mont Agille is a huge, stone mountain. Impressive! I approach it and start looking for the field near its base.


The field is not at its base. Looking at the GPS, I realizeā€¦ Itā€™s on top of the mountain. I was near the base of the mountain, and the Jabiru doesnā€™t climb well at all at that altitude, so I had to fly out away from and it do a circling climb to get up to the level of the mountaintop.(Pic above.)

Turns out thereā€™s not an actual ICAO airport up there, but there was a stunt pilot, Henri Girard, in the 50s-70s whoā€™d landed a J-3 Cub up there, and started taking paying passengers up to the mountain.

Itā€™s a big area to land on, but you donā€™t want to overrun the runway. Again, the Jabiru made it much more challenging than the Grravel.

I got the Jabiru down safely, but I landed directly upslope and started sliding backwards! I just managed to turn it around, finally, at which point the downslope made it easy to get enough speed to take off again.

I recommend this flight plan. :) Donā€™t do it this morning in real-world weather, though. Rainy and icy.

I havenā€™t played MSFS for a few months, but judging from the images in this thread, itā€™s only getting better. I love bush flying, and there seems to be more of it. Iā€™m also curious about Neofly and ORBXā€™s Skypark.

Anyway, keep those pictures coming. :)

As someone who is about to bite the bullet on this game, is the ā€œPremium Deluxeā€ worth the extra $60 for the extra 10 planes and 10 airports? Seems like it from the outside based on what 3rd party DLC tends to go for, but I trust your opinions more than anything random on the Internet.

It seems like an inane reply but it depends how much you want those airports and aircraft, really. There are thousands of airports in the game and many of them have been excellently modded, often for free (check out So unless you have a particular interest in that specific list of 10 airports, then no, it isnā€™t worth it.

And the same goes for the aircraft. Bear in mind all the stock airliners are pretty much broken, so the 787 is already out. Of those that remain, again, unless you must have any of them, it isnā€™t worth it. There are plenty of aircraft in the base game - and general aviation is exceptionally well covered - and again plenty of mods and third party aircraft out there.

Personally Iā€™m perfectly content with the base game. The money I saved not getting the premium version will go to third party aircraft I actually want, when theyā€™re released. And a great number of those third party aircraft will be better modelled than the Asobo planes too.

Itā€™s a great reply, honestly - thanks. Unless someone comes back with a contrary view, this sounds like a fantastic perspective.

Also, how much time youā€™re going to spend in the sim. Given that Iā€™m sure I will fly this for years, and spend hundreds of hours in it, the additional $60 is worth it if I end up only using a couple of the extra planes or flying much into a few of the airports. Honestly, if you donā€™t go for the Premium Deluxe, Iā€™d at least go for Deluxe to get Oā€™Hare and the round-gauge Cessna 172. But Heathrow, San Francisco, Frankfurt, and Denver in the Premium Deluxe are really nice, as are the Citation Longitude, SR22, and Pipistrel Virus. And while the 787 has some issues, there are user tweaks out there that make it acceptable unless youā€™re a hardcore airline FMS type.

If you foresee playing long-term, IMHO getting the full deal is a small price to pay for a lot of content. Given the $15-20 cost of most add-ons (with a few planes up into the $40-50 range), it only takes three or four of the 20 items to make it worth the cost.

If you donā€™t really know how much the simā€™s going to draw you in, donā€™t buy any edition. Sign up for PC Game Pass for a month, try it there, and then decide whether youā€™re into it enought to justify the bigger investment.

My first view of Lake Tahoe as I come over the hill.

Man oh man. Everyone wants to live beside this lake donā€™t they? Iā€™ve never seen so many houses all around a lake. I know that one of the most successful real estate agents here in Kansas City has a house on Lake Tahoe and when the pandemic hit, he moved there for the duration of it. Still when we talk to him every week, he tells us of the great views out his windows.

I got really close to it on my Yosemite trip back in the early 2010s. Next time!

Of course, thereā€™s no guarantee that views from the road will be as gorgeous as the views from the air.

I wonder how much it costs to buy a house here?

Myself, Iā€™m currently enjoying some nice post-dawn skies over Belgium on a NeoFly mission. (Live weather, not live time.)

Edit: Finally busted into some sun over Eindhoven.