Mighty Unveils $30/month Streaming Web Browser

You mean the price-point above 0? Hell, I wouldn’t even run this for free. I bet they give you a browser without an addblocker.

The most interesting part of this to me is that there is clearly a use case that i have no knowledge of at all where this is suddenly seems useful. I don’t live in that world, but obviously somebody does, and i’m curious what that world is.

You’ve never wanted to have 500 Qt3 threads open simultaneously on a potato computer?

What’s Figma?

I’m not sure that’s necessarily true. Our tech overlords have put forth some pretty fucking stupid products*.

*which doesn’t mean there AREN’T people who will bite, even though no actual problem is solved. See: Quibi, FLoC and NFTs.

Edit: I didn’t realise I was responding to such an ‘old’ thread!

Smith might have wanted that to be true, but in reality, the invisible hand is perfectly tuned to allocate resources where they make the most profit for the already wealthy. Which wasn’t exactly what our dour Scotsman actually wanted, but you know, good intentions etc…