Mitsubishi Eclipse, Toyota Celica or Mercury Cougar?

Did mazda do something really new with the 2006 rx-8’s or something? Cuz I think they’ve only given it the standard incremental upgrades that auto companies usually give each model every year (extra hp, expensive options packages, and so on)

they are all chick cars

Which is the best possible reason for a man to buy a car.

Fuck yeah. It’s all about the WRX. Mine has survived months of neglect while I’m gone, my wife learning to drive stick on her own (DWA!), and my own predilection for making really bad driving decisions at 5am when I go to work.

Of the choices you gave the Celica is the only one I would consider. Not because I’m a car guy or anything, but the only way I’ve seen those die (and I’m surrounded by a lot of spotty track records re: sports cars and trucks) is by literally getting flipped over and crashed down an embankment at 80+ mph, after which it still had the decency to wait for the occupants to be extracted before bursting into flames.

It is a Toyota. It was merely waiting for them to be safe before committing ritual suicide, its honor besmirched by its failure to retain traction at speed.

Yeah, pretty much.