Modern Warfare II 2022

Though I find Shipment an abomination of a map, there is no faster/better way to level up weapons and get camos. everything except longshots is easier on shipment. Just mind numbing.

Two really fun recent videos. The first is best with no explanation…

The second is a showcase for the power and awesomeness of proximity chat…

It’s funny that when players complained about shields, the response from the devs was too reduce melee damage for shields, which is… Not at all the problem with shields.

If building 21 could be open on a day where I’m not on travel that would be fing great please

They’ve added the ability to save weapon builds according to the Message of the Day today.

Anyone follow the CDL at all? This whole Optic drama/story of the past few weeks is something, especially with it being topped off with the announcements today.

I have not been following. What’s the deal?

I’ve been doing different stuff than normal with the game. Earned a bunch of golds. Going for some Platinums. Then I had quite possibly the greatest game of multiplayer I’ve ever had this week… I can finally say I’ve been called a cheater, a hacker, more machine than man.

So Dashy apparently was being dropped due to some clashes I guess maybe with the coach Rambo. Optic spent the end of last year/beginning of this year trying to get Arcitys, then Pred, and finally picked up Huke. Then Dashy was going off about it in a stream last week once it happened, and now today Scump announced retirement, effective immediately, and Dashy is back in the team. Crazy enough to make me wonder if it was all staged by Hecz.

Played another couple hours yesterday. Man, This game is confusing! There seem to be about 50 different game modes so I just been playing Invasion and and Ground War while I try and figure out what the hell i’m doing. I guess I messed around and got a triple double because I finished first in Ground War two winning games in a row yesterday and voice chat was going bonkers both times that a level 10 noob just owned everyone. LOL that was fun, no weapon unlocks for the win! Shooting bits is real good but the ‘Meta’ portion is a hot mess, though I didn’t give it much time past the initial WTF moment so maybe it’s just me? I just wanted to shoot people. I might migrate to the big boy game modes this weekend, whichever those are ;)

This was actually added a while back, I think back when they made the new season update patch?

Either way, it’s a nice addition.

I think most of the biggest remaining issues are just UI bugs… Most of this game is awesome, and then the UI is a total shitshow.

Ok good! Not just me.

I really wish they would fix the bug with Battlepass tokens not refreshing until you restart.

I’m used to the UI now, but yeah it’s stuff all over the place.

This game is a massive platform for first person shooting and it’s excellent. I’ve been having a blast.

We got our first Duos win in the Warzone 2.0 this week. It was a match that really showed the value of the power position. Perched on the right rooftop near the endgame and then also shows how water can be used for both stealth and to easily finish a team at the end.

My son popped off the other night and went something like 49 kills 10 losses using the VEL which is his favorite gun right now. I think my top kills is like 36.

Oh, I’m not even talking about how it’s a shitshow from a design perspective… I mean, it is. But I’m talking about it simply working.

For instance, the fact that if you’re in a party, all the other members can’t edit their loadouts… because they loadouts that are being displayed to them are the ones for Warzone, or if you’re in warzone, they’re the loadouts for MP. The party leader can see things correctly, but the other party members can’t.

Or how sometimes in-game chat speakers will just get stuck on the screen, and stay up until you reboot the game client. Or how most of the time it says that it’s trying to join a game type that’s not what you’re playing (but functionally it does work, and joins the right one).

It’s just so weird, given how awesome so much of the game is. It’s like the UI was developed by interns.

I have never encountered that loadout issue. That’s totally new to me.

The rest is definitely a yup. One thing that boggles my mind is that they have never, in the now two full years since the launch of Warzone, had a working scoreboard when a game ends. It has literally never worked right in game.

Stats get recorded correctly, but nothing you see when the game is over is correct. Like, that’s Games 101. People look at the score. Crazy.

Have you ever been in a party, and not been the leader? Because I’m pretty sure that error occurs 100% of the time.

Yeah. I’ve been in parties where I was not the leader. Might be a PC thing? I usually play on PlayStation.

I don’t think so, I’ve heard folks complain about it on both Xbox and PC… I had thought it affected all the platforms. Now I’ll have to check to see if they fixed it in the last few weeks. I don’t see it myself that often, since I’m usually party leader.

Here’s a thread with folks talking about it

The workaround is that you can still edit your classes while in the match, but you gotta be quick or you’ll get booted for inactivity.

I’ve made it to legion 4 working on 5 and was pretty bummed about the upcoming wipe and the influx of war zone team killers (who have zero interest in the missions). This weekend I’ve decided to “embrace the suck” and it’s continued to be one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had in a free game. I know there are a million broken things here but I’m looking forward to seeing what is next.