Monday Night Combat - we've just announced

To nitpick, why are you guys releasing Monday Night Combat on Wednesday?

We don’t get to pick the day we release, that’s up to Microsoft.

That’s when all XBLA games come out.

It makes me wonder, though: will players gravitate more towards playing on mondays, compared to other multiplayer games?

(PS - I’ve added a bunch of y’all on Live; my gamertag is Enchorito.)

Ah! That’s who you are. :)

I have to say, designating a day to play the game is a nifty scheme. It worked for Prince Spaghetti.

Is there a master list of XBLA tags? Mine is The Vidiot ab, if anyone wants a little Monday Night Combat!

Well, there’s a thread, but it doesn’t seem that active (Update: the master gamertag list is here.). Expressing interest so far in this thread are: (forum name - gamertag)

Wade42 - Enchorito
Jarrodhk (same)
Demon G Sides (same)
ForgeForsaken (same)
qbakies - TheAlmightyQ
Rock8man - Rock8mnky
Delta - BlackHatGuy
roamunit (same)
Andy Bates - The Vidiot ab
Dreamshadow - Dreamshadow1977
Caryn Law - Hellchick
Josemas - Josemas99
armand v - Sander 416
GregB - Capt Donut
Abilio Carvalho - Astromarine
UncleSmoothie (same)
Jamie Madigan - hjmadigan
hanji - hanji moti
seventimessix - Hypnotoad42
Larsen B (same)
Strummer - strummer007
CalvinGT - CaIvinpewpewpew
Emessai (same)
LionelThompson - TommyTutone
SirFozzie - SirFozzie2

I’ll be in MNC as Dreamshadow1977

My tag is Hellchick. We’ll be playing at the Uber offices with people probably all day tomorrow, so if you’re playing you may run into some of us.

As soon as I can buy it… I’ll be playing it.

I’m in - as soon as it gets released in the UK.

Just played the trail, it allows only 30min so I only got a chance to try the Assault dude(good, love the remote explosives) and the Assassinator(close combat melee, cloak…not my style at all).

A definite buy and I’m afraid that it will leave Kane and Lynch 2 and Mafia II ownerless and at the pound.

my new gamertag is Sander 416

I’m in, Josemas99. I am bad at this kind of thing though.

Just played a round of Crossfire as Support. Nice game! I look forward to some qt3 team matches.

I’m leaning towards support as well. There seems to be a lot of forum folks interested in the Support class which seems odd to me. I didn’t think that would be one of the popular ones.

@Josemas: Don’t sweat it, we’re all here to have fun.

@forgeforsaken: I wouldn’t expect that either, but then again, it’s the one I was most interested in. And there was that Developer walkthrough vid.

I’ve updated the post with the gamertags. I’ll be playing vicariously through you folks until I can get on this evening. Unless I squeeze some in at lunch? Hmm…

Please add me anyone who wants to play this, gamertag is



Hey Wade, add me too por favor.

Gamertag over the left there.

Must resist. Must…resist…!