Monster Hunter Rise on the Switch and PC

Began this tonight and my kid was like, no, we have Monster Hunter World. But I try everything and it seems to load and run faster than World, and I enjoy the hub as it’s quicker to get around, and just new types and kinds of monsters of course. After I played for 30 minutes the kid gave in.

That’s the way! Even kids need backlogs!

Don’t get me wrong, I love lance. It’s one of my personal favorites. But it could get a damage boost, that’s all. ;)

Then nobody would play any other weapon… which is what happened in a game I played an hour ago: 4 lancers in an arena. It took probably an extra 5 minutes to dispatch the two monsters. It was a very relaxing experience though.

I noticed a sort of “orbital lasers falling from above” spam, which I think might be coming from some light bowgun ammo or skill? not sure yet, I’ve come across it in a couple of hunts only so far, but that attack makes it near impossible to see anything of what is going on.

When I get to play Rise, I’m not sure what I’m gonna main. I’ll definitely try Lance, Hunting Horn, and Gunlance, and likely Hammer, Insect Glaive, Charge Blade, Sword&Shield and Longsword. I don’t care about Bow or Bowguns, Greatsword is not my thing, and Dual Blades are not really my style. And I loved Switch Axe, but in MHW and MHW:I it wasn’t nearly as great. Not sure how it is in Rise.

Infinite stamina potion is gone, it’s gone. It will never be the incomparable king of everything again!

So I heard. I just hope that, even so, it’s better than the one-trick-pony it became in Iceborne. :(

Finally got to HR6. As a newbie, things are starting to get hard. I have the feeling it’s the other players carrying the hunt. Started with GS, tried DB for a while and finally doing (and probably sticking to) bow.

So far I’ve looked at no guide, but the grind for weapon materials it’s starting to get real (there’s a bow I want with a material I don’t know where to get).

Loving it, and I think I’m a new fan. As long as they keep releasing MH games on a handheld (I can’t play stuff like this on a coach) I will keep buying them, I think.

I’ll keep buying them wherever they are. :)

There’s a long history of handheld, so yeah hopefully they don’t stop. Especially if it means we get new games more frequently, with them doing both PC/console and Switch!

With this being so successful on Switch and the upcoming Switch Pro, and this being released on Steam, I’m hoping all of the get ported to Switch somehow. If this one runs this well, World could also be made to run on it, I think (with paired down graphics, etc, but still…)

Would you want to go back to World after Rise though? I’m kind of in love with the Wirebugs, and riding the Palamute around. :)

Ok, I guess World does still have its charms.

No, it’s just that moving forward I hope there’s no handheld/desk divide.

Yeah maybe they will be unified now. The newer RE Engine that Rise uses seems a lot more capable than the MT Framework engine that World and other titles used, especially on the lower spec hardware.

Though they have said ‘RE Engine games for Switch will need to be made with Switch in mind’…

The Hunter’s note is really your friend there, assuming it’s a monster’s drop.

Spoiler: it’s often a single guy carrying it for the 3 others ;) it’s especially true since I think a bunch of people switch weapons and are thus in permanent training.
This is what makes the game so rewarding too: learning your part, then being able to tell if someone is a drag for the party or not, then being in awe in front of skilled hunters, and finally, hopefully, being in a party where everybody is good and the monster goes down in about 1/4 the time it was taking back when it was single person carrying it for the whole party.

Also I’d advise to check guides for a weapon once you handle well its basic moves set - excepting for the GS, there is a crazy amount of technical stuff I’m usually even unaware existed at first.

I just hope that when it finally arrives for PC, it will bring along crossplay. I’d love to play on PC and join my kid playing on his Switch.

I am at the end of the end game now (until the title update). I have fleshed out multiple builds for multiple weapons. In my opinion, the materials for weapons are relatively easy this time around. Even the few items that need that rare part, the rare part is usually not too many fights in. I’d say one to three fights usually. I am not doing the repetition that I did in earlier MH games where I had to kill something over and over and OVER to get something; a something that I needed two of. It is RNG though, but my experience has been a relief compared to other MH games.

If you don’t have any of a thing to make a weapon or don’t know what you need, then check the Hunter’s Notes. Each large monster has a tab for materials (don’t forget to hit X to see the high rank tab). Even if you have not found the material, it will tell you the % chances from different sources. Usually the main issue if you don’t have something after a few fights is that it either comes from a way you are not beating the monster or it is from a different monster/source.

Rise is different than other MH games. Carves (killing the monster) give different items than captures. Look at the notes and decide how you want to end the hunt. You may want to adjust one of your custom shout outs to say “please don’t capture” if you are playing online. Rise also loves to sprinkle in pieces from other sources such as a different monster or rare materials from harvesting, meowcenaries, or submarines. And even those rare alternate source resources are pretty trivial once you know how the system works.

All of THAT said, the real grind/RNG is the talisman system. Holy cow. That takes all sorts of grind to get the materials, wait for the materials to become talismans, and repeat…forever. This doesn’t start until HR 7. Before then you don’t have all the pieces yet. You would think it is no big deal. It is one piece of gear. However, lots of combinations require a really good talisman to make the weapon and armor work. I think I need to just accept a “good enough for 1.0 Rise” level of talismans and roll forward from the title update.

This was already the case in MHGU, but this was edge case scenarios - playing with % in the grand order of things, as the grind was much more real in classical MH as you noted.
So far the top tier decorations seem to be what require the most grind (unlocked after you clear the MP part of the game), although I’m eyeing a Great Sword which requires a particular drop that is uncannily rare from the Goss Harag (2-3% chance, and in the couple of extra rewards after a successful hunt, while most of the rare stuff lies around 10% range). There are probably a couple other oddities like this.

Ah. I skipped MHGU.

I get the Goss thing. In the moment it feels frustrating. I expect everyone is going to want Magnamolo special bits several times over at the end of the day. It just… feels like that moment passes a lot faster in Rise. I think the thing that saves it, in my experience, is you get so many bites at the apple in one hunt that even 3% items are not bad at all. Between carves/captures, breaks, part drops from monster fights, palicos, quest rewards, and pillage you get a lot of chances. Yes, some items you get only 4 or so of those, but each of the 4 will happen multiple times in a single fight. I even get the low % items multiple times in a fight. Maybe it is PTSD, but I don’t ever remember looking for a Laggia plate in MHTri and after a couple of fights go, “oh, I just got 3 of them.” :( As I grind talismans and build alternate weapon types, I am starting to get a surplus built up of those 3% parts.

Hey @Kolbex, your best friend is back!

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